A Passover Message from Meliss Jakubovic
Members of the extended Atlanta Jewish community expresses their thoughts about the 2023 Passover holiday, using the prompt, "Unity Creates Community."
Things change as soon as you decide they will.
And the greatest thing about being human is we are allowed to adapt, evolve, and become newer versions of ourselves.
Not that you need the permission…but just remember, this is your ONE SHOT at this life and you must experience it the way you feel you need to.
So, if you said once upon a time that you “Would never ______” and you realize you probably would, or you want to, or you already have…IT’S OKAY TO CHANGE.
On Pesach, I am reminded that it took a lot of courage and faith for us to leave Egypt and embark on a perilous journey towards an uncertain future, that ends with the story of FREEDOM.
Making changes in life can similarly be difficult and scary. It may involve leaving familiar locations, situations, routines, or relationships. Change requires intuitive faith or belief that you will reach your full potential by learning lessons and moving forward. That’s what growth is after all.
And as we grow, there will be obstacles and challenges, but your persistence, determination, and positive attitude can stretch you closer to your higher self…your true FREEDOM.
Trust in a higher power and flow towards what makes you feel fulfilled. Decide that you are making the change and then just do it. It’s all part of the journey.
Wishing you a Chag Pesach Sameach and may you enjoy the journey towards your freedom.
Meliss Jakubovic is Atlanta’s Israeli Folk Dance instructor and an Online Marketing Strategist to coaches and healers.