A Passover Message from Rabbi Daniel Dorsch

A Passover Message from Rabbi Daniel Dorsch

For our Passover holiday issue, we invited members of our community to share their responses.

Rabbi Daniel Dorsch
Rabbi Daniel Dorsch

Let Our People Go

Never has such a refrain remained truer this year than it has for the past six months.

As Jews, we continue to wait expectedly alongside our brothers and sisters in Israel for parents, siblings, children, grandchildren, to return to the loving arms of their families.

As the Jewish community of Atlanta, our thoughts turn this Pesach to Israeli families living in our city, as well as families with soldiers proudly serving in the IDF. You are an integral part of our family. We know how your every thought is directed toward your family in Israel. Know that ours are too.

As president of the Atlanta Rabbinical Association, our communities and our synagogues are open to all seeking solace and comfort this Pesach. Kol Dichfin Yetay VeYechol. Let all who are hungry for comfort and nourishment come and eat. We must rely not only on Aveinu Shebashamayim, our Father in Heaven, but on one another to grant us the support to endure.

At our congregational seder this year, we will be leaving an empty chair as we recall the hostages in Gaza who will be unable to celebrate Passover with their families. I hope those of you reading this column will consider doing so as well. It is a small way for all of us to join together as a community in solidarity with Am Yisrael, the people of Israel, as we wait for our brothers and sisters to go from a fate that is worse than slavery to celebrating freedom with their families.

As in the days of Pharaoh, this Pesach, may we also pray that God vanquishes the petty tyrants of the world–the Putins, the Sinwars, and the Khomeinis–bringing the long-sought redemption that is the promise of Pesach to our world once again.

Daniel Dorsch is the rabbi at Congregation Etz Chaim in Marietta. He is also the president of the Atlanta Rabbinical Association.

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