A Passover Message from Rabbi Jesse Charyn
Read community insights, advice and perspectives during Passover.
Z’man Cheruteinu. Judaism means living each day in gratitude to Hashem for our lives and everyone and everything in them. We are grateful for our freedom and work towards a more equitable and opportunity-filled future for everyone. For the past 13 months our day-to-day routines have been transformed. Freedom looks like exercising our abilities to strengthen our communities, concerning ourselves with the welfare of one another. We have the freedom to use our time, talents and energy to make a difference. Freedom is not about the individual. None of us are truly free until we are all free. Even the name for this time, Z’man Cheruteinu, is in the plural. At the seder we are all asked to envision ourselves as participants in the Exodus from Mitzrayim.
Rabbi Jesse Charyn is the spiritual leader of Temple Beth David.