A Passover Message from Rebecca Good

A Passover Message from Rebecca Good

Members of the 40 Under 40 winners share their thoughts, inspiration, advice and encouragement as you prepare for the holiday.

Rebecca Good
Rebecca Good

When exploring the themes of Passover, the concept of numerical values becomes very evident. We speak about 4 cups of wine, 4 questions, the 4 children, one only kid (chad gadya), and we even ask, “Who knows one?” This is a feature of the Passover Seder that stands out as special to me year after year. As we know, the repetition of a theme in Judaism is never an accident. When we ask, “Who knows one?”, the answer is “I know one; One is our G-d in the heaven and earth.” This oneness is what connects us. Consider this, the Hebrew word for one is echad and the Hebrew word for unity is achdut. Is it an accident that both the words share the same Hebrew root? No, when are unified we get closer to the One.

Rebecca Good is the assistant director of Education at The Temple’s Breman Education Center.

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