A Passover Message from Rebecca LaBanca

A Passover Message from Rebecca LaBanca

Atlanta Jewish Times staff wishes our community Happy Passover.

Rebecca LaBanca
Rebecca LaBanca

The Jewish people have endured many struggles and have fought to survive. We retell the Passover story every year of when the Hebrews escaped slavery in Egypt. The story of Passover inspires us to embrace challenges and take action. We must always stand up for what is right even if it is difficult. The Hebrews’ perseverance is a continued inspiration for me. I am proud to be part of a people that through history have survived even when their lives were at stake. Fleeing Egypt and going to the land of Canaan took bravery. When one encounters obstacles, it is a time for growth and strength. I hope my friends and family have a wonderful Passover holiday and remember to continue being strong and resilient.

Rebecca LaBanca is an Administrative Assistant at Atlanta Jewish Times.

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