A Passover Message from Robyn Gerson
For our Passover holiday issue, we invited members of our community to share their responses.
Let My People Grow
Decades ago, we found my beloved Grandfather Morris Freedman’s seder book and it was passed down to me as I have kept it safely and soundly. This week I opened it up and read; “Property of M. Freedman, 1945.” I treasured seeing my grandfather’s handwriting, the matriarch of our family. The Haggadah was a beautiful illustrated over-sized Haggadah telling the story of Passover.
This large book was clearly a prized possession my Grandfather used for a lifetime of seders, though I faintly recall it. I do remember the seders that went on for hours, and my younger cousin Steve Cohen and I played with the sterling silver array of utensils and occasionally slipped into the kitchen where we snuck Grandma’s sweets lovingly made for Pesach. Nothing was store bought. Grandma Freedman made it all from scratch and strictly kosher. The seder table trailed from the dining room into the living room where the furniture was moved so the table could fit the entire family.
The illustrations and story of Passover in the over 75-year-old Haggadah touched my heart. One illustration read: “Jacob and all his sons and their families started from the land Canaan to go to Egypt.” The word families moved my awareness to another height. The story of Passover began with an emphasis on families. And still does. Not only our own families and a world of individuals who are like family, but families around the world who are impacted at this time by a challenging journey that will be etched into history.
There is no new normal. We blink and life changes. And at the core of traditions, the seder is a gathering of family and our family’s family and our people’s families and beyond. Hold family, community and our people all over the world close. Hold them in thought, actions, and deeds. Love them largely. Reunite. Remember how you are connected.
At your seder, speak about the matriarchs and the patriarchs of your family. Cherish one other. Support each other. Everyone has a story. Listen. Love beyond measure. Life goes on. Share the words, let our people go. Add the phrase, let our people grow.
Let us stay together and remain united as families. Like Jacob and all his sons and their families, we are family.
Robyn Gerson is a New York Times Bestselling author, writer and media personality appearing in the media for over 35 years. She is devoted to her family and enjoys playing with her grandchildren and family gatherings as the greatest gift of all.