Arnold Heller
Arnold Heller shares his Passover thoughts with you.
Last year I wrote that the Hebrew’s 10 plagues were the first recorded use of applied terror to achieve political goals. The plagues brought about the Exodus from Egypt, and after the wandering, the ancient State of Israel.
Therefore, it’s ironic that Passover 2020, our holiday that celebrates the plagues, is being canceled by a modern-day one. Many seders this year will be held on the platform. Jews will remotely read from the haggadah, eat their traditional foods, and sing “Dayenu.” A zissen Pesach and Chag Sameach to them too.
I wonder though if God is punishing the world for globally damaging the environment and retreating from the ideal of liberal democracy? Is the Lord leveling the United States for electing Trump who divided the country and led us into a national catastrophe?
Our commander in chief threw away President Obama’s 69-page strategic plan to combat the virus and fired the standing pandemic team. In January our intelligence specialists began urging the president to act.
We are sadly living in an aberrant time. A new normal is coming but it won’t arrive until the virus is checked and Trump and the Republicans are driven from power.
Dr. Arnold Heller is chair of the Atlanta-Ra’anana Committee.