Atlantan Asher Offers New Haggadah

Atlantan Asher Offers New Haggadah

By Suzi Brozman /

Spring Asher Haggadah for Atlanta Jewish Times
Spring Asher’s “Our Family Haggadah”

Atlantan Spring Asher has penned, along with her family, an addition to the long list of haggadahs available for Passover. But Asher’s book is unlike the venerable Maxwell House haggadah or the free ones available at supermarkets or the 1,000-plus versions in Emory’s Pitts Theology Library collection.

Asher’s haggadah, “Our Family Haggadah,” is family-friendly. With simplified text and illustrations that look as if they were drawn by kids in the family, the haggadah is refreshing in look and style.

The haggadah was introduced at a party to make chocolate matzah, and it’s not too late to buy copies to enliven your seder and to share with friends and family. The book is good for all ages and for seders with young children or non-Jews attending.

The spiral-bound haggadah is available from ModernTribe, 171 Auburn Ave., Suite G, Atlanta, for $12, although it quickly went out of stock from heavy demand.

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