Beth Jacob Nears 8 Decades of Serving the Atlanta Jewish Community

Beth Jacob Nears 8 Decades of Serving the Atlanta Jewish Community

Find your place for the High Holidays at Congregation Beth Jacob.

Photo by Rabbi David Kapenstein
Photo by Rabbi David Kapenstein

For generations, Beth Jacob has served as the flagship Orthodox Synagogue in Atlanta. At almost eight decades old, Beth Jacob is as vibrant as ever, with a bustling campus center which serves as a center for a dynamic community renowned for its warmth and hospitality. With 9 minyanim (prayer services) daily, Beth Jacob is the most-used Jewish prayer space in the region, frequently welcoming guests and visitors who stop in to catch a minyan or say Kaddish every day of the week and at all hours of the day.

Much of Atlanta’s Jewish infrastructure developed as an outgrowth of the synagogue, which prides itself on a leadership-oriented membership dedicated to thinking big. Whether you benefit from Atlanta’s kosher food infrastructure, Jewish day schools, or adult education programs, much of that can be traced back to the pioneers of Beth Jacob who placed an emphasis on traditional Jewish living and learning in our city.

Photo by Harold Alan Photography

While Beth Jacob has over 520 member families of all ages and stages, the focus is on the many hundreds of children who call the synagogue their home. The on-site Beth Jacob preschool has been educating youth about our rich Jewish heritage since 1963. Additionally, youth programs on Shabbat, holidays, and throughout the year are a focal point for developing the next generation.

In-depth and ongoing adult learning is a strong value of the Beth Jacob community, with a plethora of learning opportunities for all ages and stages, in addition to the on-site Beis Medrash study hall of the Atlanta Scholars Kollel which members and guests utilize on a regular basis.

In addition to high level learning, we also enjoy quality social events which bond us together as a community, including our hallmark weekly community kiddush attracting hundreds (as safety guidelines allow, of course), large Shabbat meals for our “Prime Timers”, holiday meals and programs, exciting annual trips like our Men’s Ski Trip, and a dynamic sisterhood which produces a steady stream of meaningful events for the women of our community. Some of our events attract Jewish attendees from the entire region, such as the Purim Parade & Festival which has been going strong for over 30 years.

We welcome participants of all backgrounds, and do our best to accommodate beginners, like through our High Holiday Experience interactive beginners service which has been a popular place for engaging and interactive Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services.

The Beth Jacob experience is open to all – please reach out to our synagogue office at (404) 633-0551 and avail yourself of our open-door hospitality. Spend a one-of-a-kind traditional Shabbat in our community – you won’t regret it!  For additional information go to

Shana Tova!  Congregation Beth Jacob wishes you a happy & healthy new year!

Paid Content by Congregation Beth Jacob.

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