Chabad Menorah Parades, Menorah Lightings, and Gelt Drops
Chabad offers a variety of opportunities to celebrate the Festival of Light in communities throughout Atlanta.
Chana Shapiro is an educator, writer, editor and illustrator whose work has appeared in journals, newspapers and magazines. She is a regular contributor to the AJT.
Chabad is widely acclaimed for its unique community Chanukah celebrations, which include menorah parades and menorah-lightings with “gelt drops” in local squares throughout Atlanta. Join friends for these events which will add fun to the holiday and make you proud when a giant menorah is lit in your neighborhood.

Intown Chabad will host four festive public menorah lightings. They include a celebration on Sunday, Dec. 10, in Decatur Square between 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., another on Tuesday, Dec. 12, at Virginia Highland’s North Highland Park between 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., one on Wednesday, Dec. 13, in Atlantic Station on the Green from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and yet another on Thursday, Dec. 14, between 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Ponce City Market on the Yard at 675 Ponce de Leon Ave. (call 404-898-0434 or check for details).

On Sunday, Dec. 10, Chabad of Cobb will sponsor a menorah lighting and Chanukah celebration at The Avenue in East Cobb between 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., with menorah lighting at 5:30. A “Chanukah gelt drop” from a helicopter will be the main feature, among other family-friendly activities which include music, treats and glowsticks. (Call 770-565-4412 for more information).

On Thursday, Dec. 7, Chabad of Toco Hills will host a Grand Menorah Lighting at the Toco Hills Promenade at 2969 N. Druid Hills at 6 p.m. Bring the family to celebrate between 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for a gelt drop, activity booths, food, music, crafts, and inflatables.

Chabad invites students on Atlanta campuses of Emory, Kennesaw, and Georgia State/Georgia Tech to gather for menorah lightings and Chanukah treats. The popular university events welcome non-students from surrounding areas to join the Chanukah festivities. For the best information about dates and times, call: Emory Chabad at 404-441-3199; GA State/GA Tech Chabad at 678-304-8672; or Kennesaw Chabad at 770-400-9255.
In addition to the public Chanukah menorah lightings held on campuses and in town squares throughout the city, the most iconic events are the trademark Chabad motorcades, in which convoys of private vehicles drive through different parts of Atlanta. All cars and vans will be decorated with large menorahs on their roofs, and many vehicles will be equipped to amplify Chanukah music. Most of the parades lead to public menorah-lighting, food, gelt drops, and family festivities.
Don’t miss the following Chabad Menorah Parades and join the community Chanukah menorah lightings.

Congregation Beth Israel in Dahlonega is planning a Chanukah Menorah Motorcade on Sunday, Dec. 10. Vehicles will start from the Dahlonega City Center in Forsyth County. They then continue, with a police escort, along I-400, and end with a public menorah lighting at the Halcyon Village Green in Alpharetta. The parade leaves Dahlonega at 3:30 p.m. Contact or call 470-253-7111 for details.

Chabad of Peachtree City will host the annual Golfcart Menorah Parade, which starts at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 10, and will make its way along a paved path through the city’s golf course, over the lake, ending at the park behind the City Hall for a community menorah lighting, gelt drop, hot chocolate, latkes, and doughnuts at 5 p.m. Many Jewish Peachtree City residents own golf carts which they decorate with roof menorahs for the festival, and the parade is open to all golf cart drivers or renters who wish to participate. There may be golf carts to borrow. Contact Shternie Lew at 678-595-9277 for more information.
On Sunday, Dec. 10, Chabad of Toco Hills will host a parade of vehicles with cartop menorahs that will travel through the meandering streets of the Toco Hills neighborhood. Meet at Torah Day School of Atlanta at 5:30 p.m.
This year, celebrate Chanukah Jewish Heritage Night on Monday, Dec. 11, at a halftime menorah lighting ceremony, when the Atlanta Hawks meet the Denver Nuggets at State Farm Arena. A Chanukah night ticket package includes a $10 food and beverage credit redeemable inside State Farm Arena (kosher food options are available for purchase) as well as entrance into the Hawks Fan Experience Raffle. For general questions call 404-878-3839; for the Chanukah night package, check out
Note: All event times and dates are subject to change.