Diana Cole’s Chanukah Message for 2023

Diana Cole’s Chanukah Message for 2023

Atlanta Jewish Times staff wishes our community Happy Chanukah from our AJT family to yours.

Diana Cole
Diana Cole

When I look at the menorah, I am reminded of the meaning behind Hanukah. Miracle. If you look all around, you will see miracles happening. Whether it be a newborn taking his / her first breath, or a person surviving a horrible disease. These are all miracles. You need to look at life through a different lens to see them.
Now with all the horrors in the world currently, there are some miracles. Yes, there were more tragedies than miracles, but rose-colored glasses.

I encourage you to look at each life’s moments if they were a miracle.

Happy Hannukah.

Diana Cole is the community coordinator at the Atlanta Jewish Times.

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