Dunwoody Minyan Looks to Connect Modern Orthodox

Dunwoody Minyan Looks to Connect Modern Orthodox

The group has grown to 14 families who routinely take part in Shabbat services.

Noa and Aiden Binstock at the candy table for Dunwoody Minyan’s first Purim Seudah.
Noa and Aiden Binstock at the candy table for Dunwoody Minyan’s first Purim Seudah.

The Dunwoody Minyan began holding Shabbat services in March 2022 when a group of Dunwoody residents decided to start a Modern Orthodox minyan in their community.

Begun by Rachel and Avi Binstock, David and Stephanie Lubin, Jeremy and Monica Schulman, Sheila and Kevin Cranman, Hugh and Jill Mainzer, and Bruce Barron, the group has grown to 14 families who regularly participate in Shabbat services. Dunwoody Minyan is open to all in the community and there is no charge to participate.

David Lubin, Hugh Mainzer, and Rachel Binstock take a moment during preparations for first minyan in March 2022.

Shabbat services are held at the Teen Center of the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta. Childcare and a Tot Shabbat are free and offered concurrently in the Kuniansky Family Center of the MJCCA.

High Holiday services have been added, and the group anticipates continued growth among those who live in or near Dunwoody. The location falls within the Dunwoody Eruv, and full security is offered during all Shabbat and holiday services.

“The Dunwoody Minyan offers worshippers the opportunity to join a community that is young and dynamic, one in which participants can put their own fingerprints on the development of a new organization. We are working hard to develop something special,” said Schulman.

The group is guided by Modern Orthodox and Orthodox halachic religious authorities. Currently, the minyan is led by lay leaders who have the ability to conduct all of the prayers from Shacharit to Mussaf, read Torah or Haftarah, and participate in the multiple sections of the service. Each Saturday, the group hosts a Kiddush for all worshippers.

Rosh Hashanah-ready for services in the theater at the MJCCA.

“We have had up to 40 worshippers at our services and a good mix of new families to Atlanta and Dunwoody, existing families, local residents, and seniors. We are a welcoming group, and happy to be part of the Atlanta Orthodox community,” said Schulman.

A brand new Sefer Torah was donated recently by a generous benefactor from the community. A dedication ceremony is planned for later this year.

Ariella Schulman, Lily Lubin, Zach Schulman, and Joseph Lubin at Dunwoody Minyan’s first Purim Seudah.

High Holiday services will be held again this year at the MJCCA. For more information about services and the Dunwoody Minyan, please visit www.dunwoodyminyan.shulcloud.com/ or www.facebook.com/groups/293600509594792/.

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