Father’s Day Tribute: Steven Bodner
Scarlett Bodner shares why her dad, Steven Bodner, is the coolest dad in town.
Steven Bodner – Atlanta, GA
Why my dad is so COOL!
My dad is the coolest dad in all of Atlanta for so many reasons! First, whenever my friends come over he makes really funny jokes. Also, everyone wants to be his friend! My dad makes everyone feel so welcome when we meet new people and right away will invite someone to a sports game. He is the biggest Atlanta sports fan out there. I love going to Braves games with him! He loves the Hawks, Braves, Falcons, and even Atlanta United.
My father is so strong! When I was little, he used to do what’s called an airplane. It’s where the person on the bottom puts their feet on your stomach and hands on your shoulders. I was the person on top.
My dad is very brave! When our pool is cold, he will jump in before me to make sure that it’s warm enough for me to jump in. Also, he did a NOLS trip. That is a 10-day camping trip.
The weather was horrible. One day it was raining, the next it was snowing. But the worst part about it was that you weren’t allowed to have your phones.
Another great thing about my dad is that he is very perseverent. We were building a pitching box and net for softball together, and it took so long because we kept messing up. When we wanted to give up, he told me that we were so close and not to give up. The full project took two hours!
That is why my dad is the coolest dad in all of Atlanta. I hope you enjoyed my summary of why he is so cool!
Scarlett Bodner, Age 11