Jewish Book Award Winners Announced
The National Jewish Book Awards are North America’s longest-running awards program for Jewish literature.
The Jewish Book Council has announced the winners for the 73rd National Jewish Book Awards, North America’s longest-running awards program in the field of Jewish literature.
Select winners include:
* “Time’s Echo: The Second World War, the Holocaust, and the Music of Remembrance,” by Jeremy Eichler (Alfred A. Knopf) – winner of the Jewish Book of the Year Award Everett Family Foundation Award, the History Gerrard and Ella Berman Memorial Award and the Holocaust Award in Memory of Ernest W. Michel
* “The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store,” by James McBride (Riverhead Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House) – winner of the JJ Greenberg Memorial Award in Fiction and the Book Club The Miller Family Award in Memory of Helen Dunn Weinstein and June Keit Miller
* “Kibbitz & Nosh: When We All Met at Dubrow’s Cafeteria,” by Marcia Bricker Halperin (Cornell University Press) – winner of the Food Writing & Cookbooks Jane and Stuart Weitzman Family Award
* “Happily: A Personal History-with Fairy Tales,” by Sabrina Orah Mark (Penguin Random House) – winner of the Autobiography & Memoir The Krauss Family Award in Memory of Simon & Shulamith (Sofi) Goldberg.
To see the full list of winners, visit