Letter to the Editor: Julia Lutch
Letters to the EditorOpinion

Letter to the Editor: Julia Lutch

The AJT welcomes your letters. If you would like your letter to be published, please write 200 words or less, and send it to editor@atljewishtimes.com.

Regarding the letter from Harry Stern in the May 31 issue.

Mr. Stern, in his recent letter, seems to have forgotten that removal of Jewish villages from Gaza created a genocidally motivated, independent Palestinian state ruled by Hamas.

It is well-known that Mahmoud Abbas canceled the scheduled 14-year-overdue election once he realized that a Hamas candidate would defeat him. Abbas called up the time-worn but always effective “Al-Aqua is under attack by Jews” canard to stoke the perpetual fires of Jew hatred. There is nothing complex about this.

The removal of Jewish villages from Gaza gave rise, not to the start of a chimerical “two-state solution,” but to a well-armed enemy that will use any means at its disposal to destroy Israel.

Does anyone really believe there will be eternal peace after the creation of a “demilitarized” Palestinian state? Control of the Jordan Valley is crucial to Israel’s survival.

Julia Lutch, Davis, Calif.

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