Letter to the Editor: Julia Lutch
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In “East Side Elementary’s New Logo Disturbs Community,” a Cobb school district spokeswoman states “this design was based on the U.S. Army colonel’s eagle wings.”
The eagle’s head faces left on the U.S. Army design and to the right on both the Cobb and Nazi designs. The eagle stands on wheat in the U.S. Army design, but in both the Cobb and Nazi designs the eagle stands on a rounded emblem.
These similarities are non-trivial, and however the design was developed, its uncanny resemblance to a tracing of the Nazi eagle emblem renders it potentially useful for all manner of evil mischief.
East Side Elementary School Principal Marcia Clark spoke of “reviewing the logos to determine needed changes.” Changes to this extremely disquieting logo are not merely “needed,” they are required.
Julia Lutch, Davis, Ca.