Letter to the Editor: Wayne Neuwirth
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I just had a wonderful Chanukah experience. My daughter works at [Congregation] Etz Chaim’s religious school. Her daughter, my grandbaby, attends their preschool during the week. This past Sunday, an anonymous donor wanted to give a gift to a child in the school. Our baby, through the religious school, was selected to receive the gift. The anonymous donor wanted a child to get this gift, and what a gift it was: a huge bag of new dresses, toys, cut-out figures, etc. What a surprise, as no one saw this idea coming.
We appreciate this so much. But because it was anonymous, there was no way to thank the donor directly. What wonderful, thoughtful gifts. The thought of someone or family giving such generous gifts at this time of year, well, it really made Chanukah Sunday special. So I wanted to somehow thank them for this surprise. Since we do not know who it is, we thought this letter could be placed in the [Atlanta] Jewish Times.
Hopefully the donor will read this and know what a big deal this was to us.
This goes to show all of us what a caring Jewish community we live in. Even in these trying times, our people are bringing good cheer and joy to others. So thank all of our anonymous donors out there! A wonderful holiday experience we will never forget.
Wayne Neuwirth, Marietta.