Letters to the Editor – 2/5/16
Thanks to Sen. Perdue
The AJT editorial board recently attacked Sen. David Perdue of Georgia for his leadership and courage in stepping up to oppose the confirmation of recently resigned GALEO board member Dax Lopez for federal judge (“Our View: Dream Betrayed,” Jan. 29). In that attack the Jewish Times took a few swings at me too.
In part, I write to thank the authors of the attack piece for the acknowledgment that GALEO is an advocacy group — and for quoting me accurately. We agree with Sen. Perdue that Lopez’s decade-long involvement with GALEO makes him totally unacceptable for a lifetime seat as a federal judge.
To be clear, like most leftist, anti-enforcement immigration corporations, the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials is innocuously named but is very clear in its agenda. Both before and after becoming a state court judge, Dax Lopez served as adviser, director and tactician for the GALEO activism against immigration enforcement.
Lopez’s statement that he “agrees with their mission” must always be viewed with the knowledge that, since 2003, the corporate-funded GALEO has viciously smeared law enforcement officers who dare to help enforce American immigration laws. GALEO has marched in the streets of Georgia for another immigration amnesty, lobbied against state e-verify laws designed to protect legal workers and against local jails honoring Immigration and Customs Enforcement holds for criminal aliens, and vehemently opposed voter ID. And they lobby against English as our official language.
The murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco last summer was a direct result of successful advocacy against detaining criminal aliens in local jails until ICE can pick them up. For the radicals at GALEO, Steinle’s murder is merely a cost of advancing the anti-enforcement scheme.
We think the editorial board may have overlooked the federal lawsuit filed against Georgia’s Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011 by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and a host of other anti-borders groups, including GALEO. That lawsuit was heard in the same federal court in which Lopez would have served if confirmed.
Among the lawyers suing to stop enforcement of the 2011 state law aimed at protecting jobs for legal workers was Lopez’s then-fellow GALEO board member, Charles Kuck. It should not go unnoted that GALEO’s executive director, Jerry Gonzalez, is even now threatening to sue for foreign-language voter ballots in the same court.
We’re not sure which possibility is worse: that the editors at the Atlanta Jewish Times agree with Lopez and GALEO on immigration enforcement or that they want to put yet another Obama-appointed activist federal judge on the bench.
We share the concerns about the content of Dax Lopez’ character. We thank and support Sen. Perdue for his action.
D.A. King, Marietta, president, Dustin Inman Society, for the board of advisers
Beware Pancreatic Cancer
The American Cancer Society recently announced that pancreatic cancer will take more lives than breast cancer this year, making it the third-leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States.
My family and I have been affected by pancreatic cancer; I lost my dad, aunt and grandmother to it. Given this recent news, it’s my responsibility to raise awareness in our community, especially so soon after Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trials Awareness Month, which was January. Patients deserve nothing less.
Clinical trials often provide the best treatment options, giving patients early access to cutting-edge treatments that can lead to progress in research, more options and better outcomes.
I volunteer with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, whose Clinical Trial Finder allows patients and caregivers to start a search for clinical trials using the most comprehensive database of pancreatic cancer clinical trials in the country.
Now, more than ever, it’s time patients have options and answers. To learn more, please visit pancan.org.
— Nancy Mader, Newnan