Publisher’s Note
Publisher Michael A. Morris takes a look back at 2018 and offers a glimpse as to what 2019 has to offer.
Michael A. Morris is the owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times.
Before I look forward into 2019, I want to offer a few thanks at the close of 2018. It is hard for a newspaper to keep up with the times (I know, punny). The digital age is not outdating a physical paper, but it is certainly keeping us on our toes to remain engaging, interesting and attractive. Dozens of readers have commented to me over the past year about the quality of our articles and the engagement of our layout and design. I trust that many more of our readers have enjoyed these changes and I want to let you know about some of the people behind the scenes.
First, I want to call out Dave Schechter and Marcia Caller Jaffe.
Both of these writers have become staples in our offices, have created new columns for your paper, and have pitched in and taken on a lot of responsibility to create a more engaging paper. As examples, David coordinated this year’s entire election cycle coverage; and, Marcia, among other responsibilities, designed and created The Lowdown (I bet you didn’t know…). Thank you both for the time and energy you are now devoting to your community’s paper.
I also want to thank Jan Jaben-Eilon, Bob Bahr, Arlene Applerouth and Leah R. Harrison for spending more time at our offices, offering ideas and expertise to create a more vibrant paper, pitching in, and wearing more hats to get the job accomplished. It is this kind of attitude that enhances the quality of your paper every week.
Your staff has also been invaluable in maintaining a fresh, clean, accurate and well-read paper. Creative and Media Director Deborah Herr Richter has been the foundation behind all the new and continuous layout changes. From the new cover format to the improved flow of the paper and the design of each section, I applaud her ingenuity and for ensuring each issue is its own work of art, enticing readers to flip to the next page. One of our newest team members, Associate Editor Roni Robbins, works tirelessly every week and ensures that the whole paper comes together in a coherent and accurate fashion for you.
Finally, I want to reiterate the awards our writers have received. This past year, David Schechter, Patrice Worthy, Leah Harrison, Rachel Fayne, Elizabeth Friedly, Ruth Abusch-Magder, Marita Anderson, and Rebecca Stapel-Wax all received a 1st Place Simon Rockower Awards for articles they wrote in the Atlanta Jewish Times. In addition, our former intern Charlotte Morrison’s article, “Teens Who Vape,” caught the attention of MSNBC. These accolades are a clear demonstration of the quality of your weekly community newspaper.
Looking forward to 2019, we intend to continue the momentum, the great coverage, and add more to our repertoire. On the top of the list, I hope you are attending this year’s Atlanta Jewish Life Festival. Maybe you are even picking up this edition at the Georgia Aquarium right now! The paper’s mission is to keep the Atlanta Jewish community connected, and what better way than once a year to invite the entire Jewish community to one location to eat Jewish food; listen to Jewish music and entertainment; meet with representatives from all of the Jewish nonprofits, social action organizations, schools and synagogues; hobnob with friends; and most importantly, have fun with our kids? Kudos go out to the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, the Marcus Jewish Community Center and the Georgia Aquarium for being key partners.
In the paper, we will continue new trends such as weekly business briefs, as well as more in-depth articles about Jewish entrepreneurs, senior management, and Jewish-run businesses of all sizes. The Times will continue to publish more articles on the philanthropic activities of Atlanta’s key benefactors as well as new and lesser-known donors in our community. Your paper will continue to spotlight more local communities in our Jewtopia series, and, the AJT will strive to remain at the leading edge by covering topics that are emerging, such as vaping and medical marijuana.
Online, you will begin to see more articles published that will not be in the paper. We will have more email blasts keeping you abreast of breaking news, and the Atlanta Jewish Connector will become more robust.
Your paper has a lot in store for 2019 and I want to thank the Managing Publisher and Interim Editor Kaylene Ladinsky for leading the charge to safeguard your paper’s mission and for keeping our paper relevant, interesting and entertaining. Now, onwards to the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival!
- Michael Morris
- editorial
- Publisher's Note
- Jan Jaben-Eilon
- Bob Bahr
- arlene applerouth
- Leah Harrison
- Deborah Herr Richter
- Roni Robbins
- Patrice Worthy
- Rachel Fayne
- Elizabeth Friedly
- Ruth Abusch-Magder
- Marita Anderson
- Rebecca Stapel-Wax
- Charlotte Morrison
- Atlanta Jewish Life Festival
- jewish federation of greater atlanta
- Georgia Aquarium
- Kaylene Ladinsky
- Atlanta Jewish Film Festival
- Opinion
- Dave Schechter
- Marcia Caller Jaffe
- Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta