Satirical Game Mocks Israeli PM’s Paris Walk

Satirical Game Mocks Israeli PM’s Paris Walk

PM reportedly ‘elbows his way to front’ of France rally Screenshot of “Push the Bibi” – Player helps the Israeli PM ‘push his way’ to the front row at the Paris rally of world leaders.

A new satirical video game in the vein of Frogger wants to know if you can be as pushy as Bibi.

Push the Bibi‘ makes light of the Israeli Prime Minister reportedly pushing his way to the front of the Paris walk on Sunday in support of the victims of France’s terror attacks. The game also pushes an anti-Netanyahu election campaign.

Play: ‘Push the Bibi’

Political figures in Israel reprimanded Netanyahu for the alleged pushiness including the former finance minister Yair Lapid who called the prime minister “uncouth.”

But an article in the French weekly Paris Match verified that the order of leaders in the front row was decided in advance and that Netanyahu was meant to be in the front row. The accounts of his pushiness were apparently based on video clips from the rally which showed Netanyahu moving up in the line as well as some Israeli pundits’ political animosity towards the leader of Likud.

Israeli elections are scheduled for March 17.

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