Schechter Wins ATL Press Club Award
AJT freelancer Dave Schechter received a 2024 Award of Excellence from the Atlanta Press Club for his investigative feature, “The Jews of Stop Cop City.”

Atlanta Jewish Times freelance writer and columnist Dave Schechter received a 2024 Award of Excellence from the Atlanta Press Club for his investigative feature, “The Jews of Stop Cop City,” published in March of last year.
The judge’s comments included, “A well reported and moving piece highlighting the many facets of a highly charged community issue. Good job!”
Protesters had set up camp in the South River Forest, opposing the city of Atlanta’s planned construction of an 85-acre, $900 million police and fire training center.
While protesting over several months, the contingent of Jews within the decentralized “Stop Cop City” movement celebrated Shabbat and Havdalah, held High Holiday services, built and occupied a sukkah during Sukkot, lit a menorah for Chanukah, planted trees on Tu B’shvat, and gathered for a Megillah reading on Purim.
Schechter captured a Friday night Shabbat service on March 10 led by Rabbi Mike Rothbaum of Congregation Bet Haverim in which approximately 100 of the protesters, both Jewish and non-Jewish, gathered to recite prayers in both Hebrew and English.
The Atlanta Press Club’s Awards of Excellence celebrate the best of journalism from the previous year. Awards are given within print, broadcast, and digital categories. Entries were judged by volunteers from the Los Angeles Press Club on quality of content, demonstrated reportorial skill, and the impact of the work.