Terri Bonoff’s Holiday Message
Read community insights, advice and perspectives during this time as we enter in to the 5781/ 2020 Rosh Hashanah New Year.
The principles of faith, renewal, forgiveness, reflection and hope are more important than ever before.
The fabric of our communities is unraveling at warp speed, fear and insecurity abound, our sense of relatedness is reduced to screen time. How can we make sense of this? What words of comfort and inspiration can see us through and shine light on darkness?
We do not look outside for leadership. It lies within. We are all imperfect and yet together we are as strong as the thickest rope. We have resolve and resilience. We each are the leaders of today – young and old. We see it all.
We are not the “judgers,” we are the doers. We see something, we say something, and we DO something. As Jews, we will not be divided by who will vote for and who wears a mask and who does not. (Wear a mask!) We are too wise for that. We link arms enlightened by our several thousand-year history and know that together we have what it takes to bring peace and healing to our world. We do this from whatever perch we sit on; it is our moral imperative. We see divide, we build a bridge. We see pain, we work to wipe it away. We see need, we find a way to give.
We love our families, our children and our neighbors as if life depended on it. It does. Only a will of steel to bring love, light and healing can wash away the dark shadows that surround us.
On Rosh Hashanah we begin anew. May our world be inscribed in the book of life in G-d’s image. May this be the year of global transformation, where peace reigns throughout the land, tolerance, acceptance and love prevail, and health and prosperity is shared among nations.
Terri Bonoff is CEO of Jewish Family & Career Services.