THEN & NOW: Judy and Steve Funk
As an Atlanta Jewish Times tradition, we spotlight some of the city’s most optimistic and fun-loving couples who share how they met and their secrets to longstanding marriage.
After 37 years with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and now with the AJT, , Jaffe’s focus is lifestyle, art, dining, fashion, and community events with emphasis on Jewish movers and shakers.
Years Married: 42 years
November 1979
Location: Shearith Israel
Initial Attraction?
Judy: I was immediately attracted to Steve’s good looks and cleverness and kindness. I returned from a trip, and he left a poem at my door. That was it! I called my parents, “I’m going to marry him!”
Steve: Attending a Valentine’s Day party at Tempo Horizon. We didn’t formally meet, but we “eyed” each other. I told my friend that she was “too short.” Months later, we met again at the pool; 43 years later, she has been taking care of me, and I have been reaching the higher shelves in the kitchen.
Steve: The little things that we share that make our marriage happy…kids, dog, our travel, our home, our favorite restaurants. Forty-three years is just a beginning, so being happy is a lot more fun than not.