Tips and Tools to Help Those With Infertility
Jewish Fertility Foundation successfully partnered with Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta’s Women’s Philanthropy to help loved ones experiencing infertility.

Jewish Fertility Foundation successfully partnered with Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta’s Women’s Philanthropy to help loved ones experiencing infertility gain tips and tools from professionals on how to support someone experiencing infertility.
Nearly 50 people attended the “Loving Someone with Infertility” event on Jan. 18, including parents, grandparents, siblings, friends and intended parents.
Women’s Philanthropy is raising funds for JFF’s pilot program, Israel Baby Grant.
The Federation Front Porch prototype will allow JFF to send a Jewish couple to Israel, where fertility treatments cost a fraction of U.S. prices.
In related news, JFF announced that it has expanded its eligibility for fertility grants. As a result of successful fundraising and a new multi-year foundation grant, JFF is able to allocate an additional $110,000 toward fertility grants in 2019.
An in vitro fertility grant is available to singles, not just couples, and is no longer limited to those living in metro Atlanta as long as they are provided services at any of the four partnering fertility clinics: Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine, Emory Reproductive Center, Reproductive Biology Associates and Shady Grove Fertility.
The grants range from $2,500 to $10,000 in addition to significant discounts provided by the partner clinics exclusive to JFF grantees.
JFF will also be offering new mini-grants of $1,000 to those undergoing intrauterine insemination treatment.
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