AJT Rosh Hashanah Messages for 2023
Rosh HashanahCommunity

AJT Rosh Hashanah Messages for 2023

From Our Atlanta Jewish Times Family to Yours: L' Shana Tova.

Please just click on the photo or the gold names below to read the Rosh Hashanah greetings from your Atlanta Jewish Times staff.

Kaylene Ladinsky, editor and managing publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times, and president of Southern Israelite, LLC.

Kaylene Ladinsky


Lilli Jennison is the creative director at the Atlanta Jewish Times.

Lilli Jennison


Sasha Heller is the associate editor and website editor for the Atlanta Jewish Times. Sasha Heller



Michal Bonell is a senior account manager and sales team supervisor at the Atlanta Jewish Times. Michal Bonell



Ilyssa Klein is an account manager at the Atlanta Jewish Times. Ilyssa Klein



Elizabeth Langfelder is an account manager at the Atlanta Jewish Times. Elizabeth Langfelder



Katie Gaffin is the events and public relations coordinator for the Atlanta Jewish Times. Katie Gaffin



Fran Putney staff writer and proofreader for the Atlanta Jewish Times. Fran Putney


Diana Cole is the Atlanta Jewish Connector and community calendar coordinator at the Atlanta Jewish Times. 

Diana Cole



Rebecca LaBanca is an administrative assistant at the Atlanta Jewish Times.

Rebecca LaBanca

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