2022 New Years Resolution from Daniel Elkind

2022 New Years Resolution from Daniel Elkind

Atlanta Jewish Times shares our resolutions on what all of us are hoping to accomplish, avoid, and improve upon in the New Year.

Daniel Elkind
Daniel Elkind

My 2022 resolutions are guided by two quotations. The first, which I’m probably paraphrasing, comes from Chapter 2 of the “Bhagavad Gita.” It advises: “do your duty without vanity” and give up the pride of doership — the ego of being the doer. At the same time, it counsels us to not become attached to inaction. Results are important, but they’re not the only measure of success. The other comes from “Pirkei Avot,” in which Shimon ben Zoma wonders, “Who is wise?” And answers: “One who learns from everyone.”

I’ve learned a lot this year in my first months at the AJT, though I’m still learning how to write a good headline. I want to thank my colleagues for their patience and kindness, especially for laughing at my jokes. I want to thank the writers I’ve worked with this year for letting me tinker with their beloved drafts. I aspire to learn from each of you and to fulfil my duties without vanity or the pride of doership, letting the work speak for itself.

Daniel Elkind is the associate editor of the Atlanta Jewish Times.

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