2022 New Years Resolution from Lilli Jennison
Atlanta Jewish Times shares our resolutions on what all of us are hoping to accomplish, avoid, and improve upon in the New Year.
As the new year approaches, we all create resolutions. Like many people, I plan to drink more water, spend less money and go on more walks with my dog, Bagel. These resolutions create excitement and new routines, but by February they become figments of our imaginations. We make these “promises” to ourselves every year. The ember of our resolutions fizzles as winter ends. Honestly, I don’t remember one resolution I have kept all year.
However, this year will be different (famous last words)! Besides the water, walks and budgeting, I have two big resolutions I would like to keep this year. Resolution number one is to get back into drawing. I am the creative director for an amazing newspaper, but I have not picked up a pencil to draw since my freshman year of college. All of my art is digital now. I would like to practice drawing every day, building up the skill level. I bought a book to help me. It is a sketch book with daily prompts. The first prompt will be funny to those of you who went to the Weber School in the 2010s. My art teacher, Ms. Singleton’s first project every year for art class was to draw your hand. Funny enough, that is the first prompt in this book. Going back to high school, I guess!
Resolution number two is inspired by Marie Kondo. “Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy.” I have so much STUFF taking up space. I will be tossing/donating things that I just don’t need and that don’t bring me joy anymore. This goes hand in hand with my resolution to spend less money. Can’t have things that don’t spark joy if I don’t buy them in the first place.
Cheers to a happy, healthy and resolution-full 2022!
Lilli Jennison is the creative director of the Atlanta Jewish Times.