Atlanta’s First ‘Geula Gathering’ Unites Jewish Women In Prayer, Song & Dance

Atlanta’s First ‘Geula Gathering’ Unites Jewish Women In Prayer, Song & Dance

On Tuesday evening, February 26, 20,000 Jewish women around the world gathered together to pray for peace and the ultimate redemption of the world.

  • Photos by Leslee Morris // Sara Nir and her daughter, Chani.
    Photos by Leslee Morris // Sara Nir and her daughter, Chani.
  • Shira Lewis, Faigy Salomon, Shira Salomon, Dvasha Rubin, Miriam Nir and Tehilla Stein.
    Shira Lewis, Faigy Salomon, Shira Salomon, Dvasha Rubin, Miriam Nir and Tehilla Stein.
  • Rachel Linkwald, Faigy Salomon and Kim Berry.
    Rachel Linkwald, Faigy Salomon and Kim Berry.
  • The evening included group dancing.
    The evening included group dancing.
  • The evening included group dancing.
    The evening included group dancing.
  • Over 150 women gathered together for the Geula Gathering.
    Over 150 women gathered together for the Geula Gathering.
  • Sharon Lichtenthal and her mother, Ellen Rosenzweig.
    Sharon Lichtenthal and her mother, Ellen Rosenzweig.

On Tuesday evening, February 26, 20,000 Jewish women around the world gathered together to pray for peace and the ultimate redemption of the world. What started with a social media mishap led to the first worldwide “Geula (redemption from Jewish oppression) Gathering,” taking place in more than 105 venues all over the world. Simultaneously, 4,000 women watched a live stream of the event.

Beth Jacob Sisterhood hosted the program, which was attended by more than 150 Jewish women.  The diverse group of all ages and backgrounds was united in a single mission: to pray for G-d to reveal His goodness in the world and to bring eternal peace.

A highlight of the evening was led by Sara Nir, who invited each woman to place her hand on the woman next to her to give a blessing. While the prayers together were deeply personal and moving, touching someone who may be a stranger and asking Gd to shower her with blessing was very powerful. The emotionally-charged evening ended with several hours of joyful singing and dancing.

Going forward, Beth Jacob Sisterhood will offer monthly gatherings before Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of each new month. The next one is scheduled for Tuesday, April 2 to usher in the Hebrew month of Nissan. Jewish women of all cultures and backgrounds are invited. 

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