Davis Academy Preschoolers Take World Tour
Preschoolers at the Davis Academy recently traveled the world by rotating among country-themed stations staffed by school families.
The Davis Academy recently celebrated its cultural diversity when its Cub Club for preschoolers enjoyed Li’l Shabbat in the Garden: Around the World.
With Davis passports in hand, participants traveled the world by rotating among country-themed stations staffed by school families representing their origins. Travelers could experience Jewish activities in such nations as Belarus, Romania, India, Yugoslavia, Argentina and Israel.
“There is a richness that comes from families working side by side with others in our community who are not of the same background,” Director of Admissions Lisa Mirsky said. “The Davis Academy is an extraordinary school full of remarkable people, and I am grateful to these families for sharing their diverse backgrounds and raising awareness about diversity within our unique community.”
The family-facilitated stations included food, traditional clothing, special customs and photos from the countries.
Photos courtesy of the Davis Academy