Hamas Attacks Israel – Key Points: Days 5-17
Consulate General of Israel to the Southeast bullets circumstances that have taken place in chronological order over days 5 to 17 of Hamas' attack on Israel.
On Oct. 7, 2023, in an act of war, over a thousand terrorists infiltrated Israel by land, sea and air at several locations and advanced towards Israeli communities and population centers near the Gaza Strip. This was carried out in conjunction with indiscriminate rocket fire targeting Israel with the intent of maximizing harm to civilians.
The terrorists penetrated southern settlements and began a killing spree – murdering families and individuals in their homes, on the streets and at a music festival that took place in the area, and abducting citizens to the Gaza Strip – with an emphasis on families, women, and children.
In light of this, Israel is at war with the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip.
In a speech made by President Isaac Herzog, the president noted that instructions for the making of chemical weapons, provided by Al-Qaeda, were found on the bodies of the terrorists – providing evidence for preparation of a chemical terror attack, as well as for ties between Hamas and Al-Qaeda.
Thus far, more than 1,400 people have been murdered in Israel and more than 5,240 wounded to varying degrees. It is also reported that over 222 people are classified as missing or captive after being kidnapped and taken to Gaza. Among the victims, approximately 246 of those murdered and 58 of the missing hold foreign citizenship (including dual citizenship).
In addition, over 7,625 missiles and rockets have been fired at Israel. It should be noted that over 550 rockets have fallen within the territory of the Gaza Strip, often killing and injuring Gazan civilians.
Day 5
• The terrorists infiltrated more than 30 residential communities and 12 IDF bases.
• The terrorists were masked, dressed in black, and riding pick-up trucks in a manner typical of ISIS.
• This is the worst massacre of Israeli civilians in Israel’s history.
• Hamas not only massacred civilians, but also desecrated corpses and abducted innocents from their homes including children, women, and the elderly (some of them Holocaust survivors), violating all basic human morals.
• These photos from Kibbutz Be’eri, one of the communities which was savagely attacked by the terrorists, show the extent of Hamas’ brutality and destruction.
Key Points
• No sovereign nation could disregard such a terror attack as was launched by Hamas. The IDF will respond with all necessary force to defend the citizens of Israel against every threat, on every front.
• Unfortunately, but unavoidably, Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip may bring harm to Palestinian non-combatants. Israel regrets any injury to innocent people, and its purpose is only to preserve the safety of its citizens.
• Hamas has been holding the residents of Gaza hostage – by locating military sites alongside the homes of residents, by perpetuating humanitarian distress, and by refusing to pursue any diplomatic avenue that would better the lives of the civilians of the Gaza Strip.
• Following Hamas’ massacre of Israeli civilians, Israel announced that it would stop the supply of electricity, water, and goods to the Gaza Strip. It is now difficult to facilitate transfers because Hamas destroyed the Erez crossing – one of the main crossings into Israel, and because Hamas has been constantly attacking in the border area, endangering supply convoys.
• The Gaza Strip can manufacture its own electricity and desalinate its own seawater. Israel has the sovereign right to decide how it runs its crossings, and whether it allows entry and exit of goods through its territory. Israel is in contact with various parties, including international organizations, to alleviate the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.
• The Islamist terror organization Hamas showed the world its true colors, committing gruesome atrocities against civilians on an unprecedented scale. Israel welcomes international condemnation of terrorism, and we are confident that our friends and allies from around the world will continue to support the IDF in protecting Israeli citizens.
• A vast number of civilians were kidnapped and taken to the Gaza Strip, including both Israelis and foreign citizens. Israel is operating meticulously to return them to Israel and calls on the international community to apply as much pressure as possible regarding the hostage situation – the abduction of civilians is and inherent violation of international law and basic human morals.
Northern Arena
• 46 mortars were launched into Israel from Lebanon. The IDF responded with artillery shells and launched a drone strike targeting a tent that Hezbollah had previously set up in Israeli territory.
• Additional mortars were fired toward Israel. Terrorists infiltrated Israeli territory from Lebanon and were thwarted by IDF soldiers. The 300th Brigade’s Deputy CO, LTC Alim Abdallah and two soldiers were killed in combat.
• Israel holds Lebanon responsible for preventing rocket fire emanating from its territory. Israel is not interested in escalating the conflict with Hezbollah but will act decisively to defend its citizens, wherever they are threatened.
Statistics as of Oct. 11, 6:30 AM Israel Time:
1. Over 1,200 dead
2. Over 3,200 wounded
3. Fallen soldiers: 169
4. More than 150 people were abducted.
5. Over 5,300 rockets fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel
6. Hundreds of terrorists killed inside of Israel. Dozens of terrorists detained. Hundreds of Hamas terrorists killed in the Gaza Strip
7. Over 2,200 terror targets in Gaza struck by the IDF, including: attack tunnels and other underground assets, 35 terrorist infrastructure targets in multi-story buildings, rocket launch sites, command and control centers, and Intelligence assets.
8. ~ 300,000 reservists drafted, 60,000 more approved
Thousands Participate in Atlanta Solidarity Rally for Israel
Oct. 10, thousands of people from Atlanta’s Jewish and Israeli communities, along with many allies, gathered at the City Springs Center in Sandy Springs, GA to express their solidarity with Israel. 33 organizations sponsored the event. Thank you to the many speakers, organizations, and individuals who made this event happen. We are deeply grateful for your strong support of Israel at this difficult time.
Hamas: The Iranian Connection
For years, Iran has been using proxy terror organizations to spread its malign influence throughout the Middle East, seeking to create “armies” to terrorize and destabilize the region. Hamas and the other terror organizations in the Gaza Strip make up one of these “armies”, which are trained, funded, and directed by Iran’s Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). Iran’s provision and direction are what allow Hamas and terror organizations like it to continue to terrorize the Middle East. Iran provides these terror organizations with training, technical know-how, weaponry, funds, and means to carry out terror attacks.
In the words of Major General Gholamali Rashid, former deputy commander of Iran’s Armed Forces: “I have assembled for you six armies outside of Iran’s territory…One army is in Lebanon. It is called Hizbullah [Hezbollah]. Another army is in Palestine, and it is called Hamas and the Islamic Jihad…One army is in Syria. Another army is in Iraq, and is called the PMU, and another army is in Yemen and is called Ansar Allah [Houthis].”
Hamas’ slaughter of Israelis was celebrated by the Ayatollah regime in Iran. As stated by Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khameni on Oct. 10: “We Kiss the hands of those who planned the attack on the Zionist regime. This destructive earthquake has destroyed some critical structures (in Israel) which will not be repaired easily…”
UK Defense Secretary Forced to Take Cover from Hamas Rocket Fire While on Solidarity Visit to Israel
While on a visit to Israel to express his solidarity with the Israeli people, the United Kingdom’s Defense Secretary, James Cleverly, and his team, were forced to take cover in a shelter in Ofakim in Southern Israel, as Hamas rockets were launched towards the area. This is a reality which Israelis are forced to live with every day.
Day 6
Key Points
• Following Hamas’ barbaric invasion on Saturday, the IDF continued land, aerial and naval attacks on terrorist sites in the Gaza Strip, reaching over 2,600 targets.
• Sites affiliated with the Hamas Nukhba commando force, as well as senior Hamas leaders, were a focus of these strikes.
• Defense of the Israeli home front remains paramount. Yesterday Israeli forces neutralized terrorists in a few incidents in southern Israel. At least two new infiltration attempts by terrorists were thwarted by IDF forces.
• The repair of breaches in the security fence is nearly completed. In parallel, defense is being augmented by aircraft and ground forces.
• Following an anti-tank missile attack on forces along the Blue Line in Israel’s north, the IDF struck a Hezbollah outpost and fired artillery in response.
Updated Statistics:
Day 7
Key Points
• The IDF continued to strike terrorist sites in the Gaza Strip. An additional 750 sites were attacked overnight. This included strikes against UAV launch sites, underground tunnels, terrorist outposts, and residences of senior Hamas operatives used for military purposes.
• The IDF remains prepared to increase its activity against Hamas. Given Hamas’ tactics of using Gaza’s civilians as human shields, the IDF instructed residents of Gaza City to evacuate to southern Gaza for their own safety ahead of the potential of a large increase of IDF operational strikes in that area, alongside ongoing strikes against Hamas targets throughout Gaza.
• Defense of the Israeli home front remains a key focus. Rockets continued to be fried by terrorists on southern and central Israel yesterday and today, including rockets that landed in Sderot, resulting in a few casualties. Five terrorists were neutralized in several isolated encounters over the past 24 hours, reaching as far as northern Israel.
• While no active engagements took place over the last day on the northern border, the area of Metula was declared a closed military zone (CMZ) following a situational assessment.
• Overnight, 47 terrorist operatives – including 34 Hamas operatives – were arrested in Judea and Samaria.
• On October 10, several mortars were fired from Syria toward Israel, landing in open areas. Israel holds Syria responsible for anything in its territory.
Updated Statistics:
To avoid harming civilians, the IDF has encouraged the civilian population of the Gaza Strip to evacuate by providing them with pre-strike warnings – when operational circumstances allow. Here is the full text of the warning:
“The IDF calls for the evacuation of all civilians of Gaza City from their homes southwards for their own safety and protection and move to the area south of the Wadi Gaza, as shown on the map.
The Hamas terrorist organization waged a war against the State of Israel and Gaza City is an area where military operations take place. This evacuation is for your own safety.
You will be able to return to Gaza City only when another announcement permitting it is made. Do not approach the area of the security fence with the State of Israel.
Hamas terrorists are hiding in Gaza City inside tunnels underneath houses and inside buildings populated with innocent Gazan civilians.
Civilians of Gaza City, evacuate south for your own safety and the safety of your families and distance yourself from Hamas terrorists who are using you as human shields.
In the following days, the IDF will continue to operate significantly in Gaza City and make extensive efforts to avoid harming civilians.”

The IDF warned the residents of the Gaza Strip and called upon them to move to the area south of Wadi Gaza. This advice was sent in Arabic through various media channels, including on social media outlets as well as via civil society and international organizations.
It should be noted that in accordance with international law, advance warnings should be effective and given ahead of time, so that the residents of Gaza can understand them and have enough time to evacuate, seek shelter, and take all the other measures that will aid them in protecting themselves. The IDF warned the population of Gaza in accordance with these guidelines.
While Israel continues to give notice ahead of strikes, Hamas calls upon civilians to ignore the IDF’s explicit warnings, thus cynically using its own civilian population as human shields and setting the stage for its propaganda.
The IDF is fully aware of the presence of foreign nationals working in the area and are doing their utmost to minimize the risks to their safety.
Day 8
Key Points
• Hamas, a terror organization that has barbarically massacred and abducted many Israelis and foreign nationals; women, children, and senior citizens, continues its heinous terrorist attacks including indiscriminate rocket fire toward Israeli towns, infiltration, and further kidnapping attempts. Hamas currently holds dozens of men, women, and children as hostages, raping and abusing them, and desecrating dead bodies in their custody.
• Israeli women, teenagers and children have been brutally raped by the terrorists. This claim is supported by credible video footage of the terrorists stating that they indeed fulfilled their intent to rape the women and children they kidnapped.
• Following the patterns of ISIS, Hamas’ war crimes have proven beyond doubt that it deliberately and systematically instills fear, murders, dishonors, rapes and desecrates the bodies of women, children, and the elderly. Hamas uses minors to carry out these unspeakable atrocities.
• The State of Israel will act forcefully against any threat or enemy on all fronts.
• The IDF is working tirelessly to defend Israel against Hamas-ISIS, destroy their military capabilities and removing the threat they pose to Israeli citizens once and for all:
• The IDF launched air strikes to deny Hamas’ capabilities designed to deliberately harm Israeli civilians.
• While executing offensive military actions vis-à-vis Hamas, the IDF and Israel are constantly working to minimize harm to non-combatants – as much as is possible in light of operational constraints. The IDF employs a variety of methods (evacuating population from the areas of fighting, evacuating civilians from a building before the strike, providing some warnings before activity).
• While Israel continues to give notice ahead of strikes, Hamas’ Palestinian Ministry of Interior and National Security calls upon civilians to ignore the IDF’s explicit warnings, thus cynically using its own civilian population as human shields and setting the stage for its propaganda.
• Israel does not control the Gaza Strip and therefore the relevant legal framework is that of the laws of armed conflict.
Population evacuation efforts:
• The residents of Gaza City have been requested to evacuate until the end of the war, to limit the damage to civilians. This was communicated to them through several different forms of media in Arabic and with enough time to leave areas from which Hamas is operating, seek shelter, and take any other necessary steps. Israel is in communication with several bodies who can provide aid in this regard.
• For several years, the State of Israel has been warning about Hamas’ fighting methods. Hamas has been committing terror attacks against Israeli civilians from within the heart of the Palestinian civilian population – a double war crime. Hamas have implanted their terror infrastructure in a deliberate and cynical way in densely populated urban centers and thus use the Gazan people as a human shield. Their military activity was purposefully centered in civilian structures, including schools, hospitals, homes, and mosques. Our many warnings regarding this issue to the international community were not translated into action.
• While Israel encourages the civilian population to flee, Hamas, which is responsible for it, is instructing civilians to ignore the IDF’s warning and not evacuate. Hamas is clearly willing to endanger the civilian population and non-combatants in its territory for its own criminal benefit. Below are pictures taken by IDF Aerial Reconaissance showing proof that Hamas is putting up roadblocks to prevent Palestinian civilians from evacuating from northern to southern Gaza:
• Hamas prides itself on putting civilians in harm’s way and is responsible for every civilian casualty.
The humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip:
• Israel is closely monitoring humanitarian concerns in the Gaza Strip. As of now, there is no humanitarian crisis.
• As the sole ruler of the Gaza Strip, Hamas has chosen to turn Gaza into a battleground from which it launches ongoing terror attacks against Israeli civilians. A party to an armed conflict has no obligation to supply services and goods to the belligerent parties. Accordingly, Israel has ceased to provide to the enemy resources and supplies from its sovereign territory, especially given the verified use of such supplies by the enemy against Israel and its citizens, as clearly seen in the case of electricity and fuel.
• Israel is legally entitled to exercise its sovereignty in relation to its territory, borders and crossings, taking into consideration its national security, with respect to the entry and exit of persons and goods.
• Furthermore, since pulling out in 2005, the State of Israel no longer controls the Gaza Strip. In fact, before the war, Israel provided goods, petrol, water, and electricity beyond the minimum required despite not having any legal obligation to do so.
• Since over 1,300 Israeli civilians were butchered and over 120 civilians and soldiers were kidnapped, the State of Israel will not be ‘generous’ in providing goods to Gaza beyond what it is required by law during war. Requests for humanitarian aid for an area controlled by the same terrorist organization that abducted them suggests a clear double standard.
• Israel’s enemies have been exploiting the war in the south to attack Israel and its citizens. Missiles have been fired at Israel from Syria and Lebanon, in addition to infiltration attempts. The IDF has responded to these attacks and will firmly retaliate against any threat.
• The IDF holds Hezbollah responsible for any terror attack launched against Israel that originates from Lebanon. Hezbollah entering the war will draw both Lebanon and Hezbollah into a devastating conflict that diverges from Lebanese national interests.
• The Islamist terrorist threat requires joint efforts and Israel is operating with full support of its allies. Senior world leaders have shown their support by visiting Israel and the sites of the atrocities. A U.S aircraft carrier has reached Israeli shores to assist and support efforts against these vicious terror attacks and the growing threats voiced by Israel’s enemies (Iran, Hezbollah, Syria). These efforts are the foundation of a coalition to defeat Hamas-ISIS and its allies.
Day 9
Key Points
Hamas, an internationally recognized terrorist organization, initiated a massive attack on the citizens of Israel by infiltrating terrorists into communities in the south of the country, as well as by launching extensive and indiscriminate missile and rocket fire that targeted Israeli civilians. The terrorists infiltrated southern communities and began a murder spree, killing families and individuals in their homes, in the streets, and at a music festival in the area, in addition to kidnapping to the Gaza Strip anyone – in particular defenseless families, women, and children – who crossed their path.
• This was a deadly and barbaric attack – evocative of ISIS’s methods of operation – that was initiated by terrorist organizations led by Hamas and launched with no legitimate pretext or provocative prior action on the part of Israel.
• The terrorist organizations have shown their true faces: they are bloodthirsty and uncontrollable groups with similar roots to those of ISIS, who are devoid of any moral inhibitions, and are motivated by hatred, the desire to hurt Israeli citizens in every way, and to bring about the destruction of the State of Israel. Hamas is not interested in the safety or well-being of civilians in the Gaza Strip, and views them as nothing more than pawns to be exploited in its efforts to harm the citizens of Israel.
• These terrorists were raised with constant exposure to incessant incitement to murder Israelis, incitement that also includes the encouragement of terrorism, the glorification of terrorists, and the compensation of assailants and their families.
• Israel is in a war against the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. Hamas started this war, and Israel is preparing for a prolonged military response to remove the threat posed by the terror organization. Hamas is the ruler of the Gaza Strip, controlling all aspects of life there. It is behind this attack, and it will be held accountable for the results of these events. Hamas’ leadership bears full responsibility for the current deterioration and for the actions Israel must take in response. Israel will do everything necessary to protect its citizens and its territory.
• Israel will act to free the hostages that were kidnapped to the Gaza Strip, to heavily damage the terrorist infrastructure, and to reach a situation in which no terrorist group in Gaza will be able to harm Israeli citizens again.
The Regional – Iranian Aspect:
• The terrorist organizations involved are branches of the Ayatollah regime in Iran, which proactively promote terrorist activity in Israel and against Israeli and Jewish targets around the world. Hamas would not have been able to carry out this murderous attack without the financing, logistical support and weapons it received from Iran. Iran bears direct responsibility for Hamas’ capabilities, and therefore bears responsibility also for the use Hamas makes of these capabilities.
• In addition, in recent days Hezbollah, which is a major proxy of the Iranian regime based in Lebanon, took responsibility for more than ten attacks on Israel, including the firing of anti-tank missiles and mortars, as well as attempts to infiltrate terrorists into Israeli communities. This activity is a tangible expression of the increasing Iranian threats that say, “if Israel does not cease its fighting in Gaza… the conflict will expand to other areas” and that “Israel will suffer a severe earthquake.”
• The international community should make it clear to the axis states (Iran, Syria, and Lebanon) and to the terrorist organizations in the area that they must refrain from taking part in Hamas’ war and stipulate that they should not promote, encourage, or enable the opening of another front against Israel. The expansion of the arena of fighting against Israel will be met with determined and lethal actions by Israel, a particularly harsh response.
The Humanitarian Aspect:
• The terrorist organizations operate knowingly and deliberately from within civilian populated areas and adjacent to humanitarian buildings and institutions, making cynical use of them. Israel is doing, and will continue to do, everything possible to prevent harm to non-involved persons. However, these terrorist organizations which intentionally operate from within the civilian population are committing double war crimes: indiscriminately targeting Israeli civilians while using the residents of the Gaza Strip as human shields.
• The passage of fuel and goods to the Gaza Strip has been halted, as has the supply of water and electricity originating in Israel. A country under attack cannot continue to support its attackers.
• In accordance with international law, the IDF has taken precautionary measures aimed at minimizing damage to the civilian population or harming non-involved persons. These measures include giving advance warning, when possible, about IDF actions against Hamas that could cause harm to non-involved persons. In accordance, the IDF warned the residents of the Gaza Strip and called on them to move to the area south of Wadi Gaza. [Wadi Gazi, which crosses Gaza from east to west in the area of central Gaza, is the streambed that is a continuation of the Besor Stream.] This advice was sent in Arabic through various media channels, including on social media outlets as well as via civil society and international organizations.
• In contrast to the IDF’s efforts to minimize harm to the civilian population as much as possible, Hamas addressed Gaza’s residents (October 13) and told them to ignore the IDF’s advance warnings, claiming that the IDF’s announcement about the need to evacuate was fake and called upon the residents to “blend in with the resistance”. Hamas did so because it wants to continue to exploit the residents of Gaza as human shields for its activities. Moreover, there is a growing number of testimonies that Hamas is interfering with, and even forcefully preventing, the movement of the civilian population to the southern part of the strip.
• Hamas is holding at least 120 kidnapped persons, whose humanitarian situation is poor, and in addition, it holds the bodies of people murdered by Hamas, who after being killed had their corpses hijacked into Gaza. Many of those who were kidnapped need medical assistance and medications. They are being held with their most basic rights denied, in absolute contradiction to international law, and in a manner that places their lives in extreme danger. Israel views Hamas as responsible for their well-being.
The International Aspect:
• Israel expects the international community to condemn the terrorist attack on Israeli citizens and to express clear support for Israel’s complete right to defend itself. Israel will act resolutely against the terrorist organizations and will do all that is necessary to protect its citizens.
• Israel also expects the international community to support it throughout the battle, and until its goals are achieved.
Updated Statistics
The IDF reports:
• 1,300+ Israelis killed since Saturday morning (Oct. 7), among them 286 fallen soldiers.
• 3,500+ Israelis wounded.
• 126 Confirmed kidnapped Israelis, and even more missing.
• 6,000+ Rockets launched into Israel.
• 30+ Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip were attacked by Hamas terrorists, who massacred and kidnapped civilians in these communities.
• 360,000+ Reservists drafted.
Operational Updates
Gaza and Southern Israel:
• The IDF called on residents of Gaza City to evacuate south of Wadi Gaza and created a new corridor for safe passage today for Gazans to go south between 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.
• Hamas is trying to prevent civilians from evacuating by obstructing the safe passage of residents of the Gaza strip to the south through roadblocks.
• The IDF is preparing for the next stages of operational offensive plans.
Northern border:
• The IDF is ready to act on all fronts against any threat – The IDF remains on high alert for further provocations on our northern border.
• The State of Lebanon is responsible for preventing Hezbollah from dragging the whole region into war.
• The USS Eisenhower is enroute to the Mediterranean. More US cargo planes are due to arrive with advanced armaments, so the IDF is fully equipped for any scenario
Day 10
Key Points
• The IDF has eliminated Muetaz Eid, the Commander of Hamas’ Southern District of National Security. The IDF continues to target senior Hamas terrorists, as well as hundreds of other Hamas military and administrative targets.
• IDF combat engineering forces finished repairing breaches in the security fence.
• Infantry, ground forces and the Israel Air Force are also securing the area. Over the past day, three terrorist cells were neutralized in southern Israel.
• Hamas rocket fire continues to target civilian populations across Israel. Over 6,700 rockets have been fired at Israel by the terrorists.
• The IDF continues to prepare for intensified operations in the Gaza Strip
• The IDF targeted a number of Hezbollah posts on Israel’s northern border last night after a series of attacks which killed one Israeli civilian and one IDF officer.
• The IDF is on high alert on Israel’s northern border and has a zero-tolerance policy towards any aggression. Israeli civilians within two kilometers (1.2 miles) are being evacuated to preserve flexibility for a range of responses.
Updated Statistics
The IDF reports:
• 1,400+ Israelis murdered.
• 291 families of fallen soldiers notified.
• 199 abducted Israelis whose families have been notified.
• 6,700+ rockets fired at Israel
Operational Updates
• Israel continues striking Hamas targets in the Strip based on intelligence reports, and currently continues to press ahead with the fighting, denying reports on a potential cease-fire.
• The Israeli army is calling on the population of Gaza to evacuate toward from northern to southern Gaza. Thus far, 600,000 Gazans have been evacuated.
• Hamas is preventing Gazans from evacuating, and is hiding behind the local population, embedding itself in residential neighborhoods and intentionally jeopardizing the lives of the Gazan population.
• The IDF has struck dozens of Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours.
• The military’s main mission remains to dismantle Hamas and is targeting its chief political and militant operatives.
• Yesterday, the IDF struck about 250 military targets, primarily in Northern Gaza. Overnight the Israeli Air Force struck dozens of targets overnight including Hamas operatives, operational compounds, military infrastructure, military observation posts, rocket launch sites and more.
• In one strike, leveraging ISA (Israel Security Agency) and IDF intelligence, the IDF neutralized Muetaz Eid, the Commander of Hamas’ Southern District of National Security.
• IDF troops neutralized terrorists in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip on three separate occasions. This included one encounter with two terrorists that had anti-tank weapons near Nahal Oz, one encounter with a terrorist near Nir Am and a UAV strike on a terrorist cell of several terrorists identified last night near Kissufim.
• IDF engineering work has been completed on breaches in the security fence.
• The defense of the region continues to be augmented by tanks, infantry and aerial support.
Abducted civilians and soldiers:
• As of today, the IDF has updated the families of 199 Israelis that their loved ones were abducted and are currently held hostage in the Gaza Strip.
• The military is supporting government efforts to return all Israeli hostages, civilian and military alike, to Israel, and considers it a chief priority.
• The IDF remains in constant contact with the families of soldiers and civilians abducted and held in Gaza. The military is using both operational and intelligent means to gather more information about the hostages’ whereabouts and their condition.
Northern Arena:
• Over the last 24 hours, Hezbollah has been escalating the situation along the northern border by targeting Israeli civilian communities and military positions. In one attack on Sunday, an anti-tank missile was fired at the Israeli community of Shtula, killing one civilian and injuring three. In another, an IDF officer was killed by anti-tank fire. In all cases, the IDF responded with both artillery fire towards the sources of fire as well as expanded strikes on Hezbollah positions.
• Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel are carried out and backed in coordination and with the support and guidance of Iran.
• The Defense Ministry and the Israeli military are operating to protect Israeli civilians in the area. The IDF continues to respond to attacks against Israel and will assist in the evacuation of Israeli residents who live up to 2 kilometers from Israel’s northern border with Lebanon.
• 28 Israeli communities on the northern border will be evacuated to allow the Israeli military to strike and to continue defending Israel against Hezbollah’s attacks.
Day 11
Key Points
• About two hundred Israeli citizens have been abducted and are being held by Hamas, including young children, women, and the elderly. Many of the abductees were injured by Hamas terrorists; many of them need medical treatment and medication, and the condition of many of the abductees is unknown. This is a serious humanitarian crisis and a very fundamental violation of international law, and Israel expects the international community to act in every possible way to protect the rights of the abductees, to ensure proper medical treatment and to provide humanitarian aid to the abductees and their families.
• The displacement of tens of thousands of Israelis from their homes in the communities around the Gaza Strip in the wake of the terrorist attack that destroyed their homes, plus the ongoing rocket fire, emanating from Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah on the northern border, has caused a significant humanitarian crisis in Israel. This displacement has intensified the horrific situation in which the survivors of the Hamas massacre in the communities surrounding the Gaza Strip find themselves.
• Hezbollah, the long arm of the Iranian regime in Lebanon, continues to escalate its activities against Israel, raising the risk of a multi-front escalation, at the expense of the citizens of Lebanon and the entire region.
• As part of the IDF’s effort to prioritize strikes on Hamas’ senior leaders, Aymen Nofal, the commander of Hamas’ central division in Gaza and Osama Mazini, the head of Hamas’ Shura Council, were both neutralized in Gaza.
Updated Statistics
Operational Updates
• IDF fighter jets struck operational command centers, military infrastructure containing terrorist operatives and hideouts belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization in Zaytun, northern Rafah, Jabalya, and Khan Yunis.
• Over 200 Hamas and Islamic Jihad (PIJ) sites were targeted across the Gaza Strip including command posts, a bank used to fund terrorist activities, and a few underground attack tunnels. The Israeli navy backed these efforts with attacks on several sites including operational posts and weapons storage facilities.
• Strikes on senior Hamas leaders continued with the targeting of one of the group’s most senior terrorist leaders, Aymen Nofal, the commander of Hamas’ central division in Gaza, and former head of military intelligence. Nofal had directed many attacks on the Israeli homefront, including heavy rocket fire towards civilian areas, and oversaw weapons manufacturing and development.

• The IDF and ISA (Israel Security Agency) also eliminated Osama Mazini, the head of the Hamas’ Shura Council in the Gaza Strip. Mazini was responsible for Hamas prisoners and directed terrorist activities against Israel.
• Yesterday, dozens of enemy military command centers and mortar shell launching posts were destroyed by IDF fire, including the command center of Ali Qadi, one of the commanders of Hamas’ “Nukhba” commando forces who was targeted several days ago.
Homefront and More:
• 199 families have been updated about their abducted loved ones. The IDF is deploying all intelligence and operational measures to ensure their return. Yesterday, as part of its ongoing psychological terrorism, the Hamas released a video of one of the abducted hostages in Gaza.
• 299 families of fallen sodliers have been notified about their loved ones’ being killed in combat.
Defense of Southern Israel:
• No attacks have taken place against IDF forces or in Israeli towns over the past 24 hours.
• Hamas continues to fire barrages of rockets towards Israel, with sirens sounding in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Rishon Le’Tzion, Be’er Sheva and southern Israel. Active missile defense, combined with passive missile defense measures like bomb shelters, are continuing to prove effective against Hamas’ deliberate attacks on Israeli civilians in the homefront.
Northern Arena:
• A number of incidents took place along the northern border with Lebanon. In each, the IDF immediately responded towards the sources of fire.
• On Tuesday afternoon, two anti-tank missiles were fired toward Israeli territory near Kibbutz Yiftah. The IDF responded with tank and artillery fire toward Hezbollah terrorist targets.
• Earlier in the day, anti-tank fire was carried out towards an IDF post near the town of Metula. Additionally, an anti-tank missile was fired towards an IDF post along the Lebanon border. Light arms fire was also carried out toward a number of sites along the border fence. The IDF responded with artillery fire toward the source of fire.
• Four terrorists were neutralized earlier this morning by IDF forces after attempting to infiltrate Israel from Lebanon.
Day 12
Key Points
• U.S. President Joe Biden arrived today (October 18) in Israel. During his visit, President Biden expressed once more his strong support for Israel, and the U.S.’ backing for Israel’s actions in its war against Hamas. Furthermore, President Biden confirmed that the facts indicate clearly that the strike against the Gaza hospital was made by the terror organizations, and not by Israel.
• The Hamas claim regarding the damage to the hospital in Gaza that was propagated by the international media without any scrutiny or criticism must be countered forcefully. Repeating unchallenged and unverified claims of an ISIS-like terrorist organization as if they were true is a dangerous and irresponsible act that does not meet any minimum journalistic standards expected of the media. Moreover, this practice constitutes the media’s support of Hamas’ goals.
• Iran’s negative and dangerous role should be emphasized. Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei gave a speech in which he threatened: “If the crimes of the Zionist regime continue, no one will be able to stop the Muslims of the world and the resistance forces.” Khamenei’s words are a threat not only to regional peace, but to the peace of the entire world, and may lead to acts of violence around the world.
• Hezbollah’s dangerous demand for a ‘Day of Rage’ in the wake of the strike on a hospital in Gaza (caused by a failed rocket launch by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad), may result in violence not only in the Middle East region but also in other parts of the world.
• It should be emphasized that even now, about a week and a half after the massacre of residents in the region surrounding the Gaza Strip and after the scale of the monstrous actions has become clear beyond any doubt, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas has yet to condemn the horrific acts. The lack of condemnation, in conjunction with the PA’s powerlessness regarding the war on incitement, constitutes patronage and support of terrorism.
Operational Updates
• Twelve days since Hamas’ horrific attack on Israel, the IDF continued to strike dozens of targets in the Gaza Strip, targeting Hamas’ military and civil leadership. Over the past 24 hours, two senior Hamas terrorist operatives were killed: Muhammad Awdallah, Commander of Hamas’ anti-tank missile system in the Gaza City Brigade, and Akram Hijazi, a terrorist from the Hamas naval forces who was also an arms dealer and financier of terrorism.
• Other targets included operational command centers, a number of terrorist staging grounds, anti-tank missile and rocket launch sites, military infrastructure, and Hamas tunnels.
• Rocket fire from the Gaza Strip continued. In one notable case, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorists in Gaza launched a rocket that misfired and hit a parking lot of the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza.
• Since Hamas’ initial attack on Israel, Hamas has continuously used civilians in the Gaza Strip as human shields, regularly launching barrages of rockets and using civilian compounds for military purposes.
• The IDF continues to call on the residents of the northern Gaza Strip and Gaza City to evacuate towards the area of Al-Mawasi, south of Wadi Gaza. Hamas continues efforts to prevent civilian evacuation from the area, including roadblocks, confiscating car keys, and more.
• Gazan terrorists continue to fire rockets at Israel. Over the past day, sirens sounded across the country. The IDF and Ministry of Defense continue the evacuation of residents in both southern Israel and those living in the area between 0-2 kilometers near the Lebanese border to state-funded guesthouses.
• After several days of combat and the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of reservists with the support of an extensive logistical effort, IDF forces continued to prepare to implement a wide range of offensive plans. Multiple reserve battalions were mobilized for defense missions in the communities in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip. One example is the 252nd Sinai Division, which is currently making preparations for wider combat operations. So far, the percentage of those reporting for duty among the reservists in the division is around 120%.
• The IDF continues the difficult job of identifying casualties from Hamas’ war against Israel. To date, 306 families have been notified of their kin falling in action.
Northern Israel:
• Attacks from Lebanon along the border with Israel continued throughout the day. This included a UAV attempting to enter Israeli airspace and anti-tank missiles being fired into Israel. The IDF responded to the attacks by firing at the source of the fire.
U.S. President Biden Visits Israel; Meets with Israel’s Leaders
Today, in an expression of the strong bilateral relations between Israel and the United States, U.S. President Joe Biden traveled to Israel and met with the country’s top political and military leaders, including President Isaac Herzog and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. President Biden’s visit is the first time an American president has visited Israel during wartime.
Addressing the Israeli people from Tel Aviv, President Biden stated, “I come to Israel with a single message…you are not alone.”
During an expanded meeting held in Tel Aviv, Prime Minister Netanyahu thanked President Biden for spearheading the United States’ effort to support Israel during this difficult time: ” I know I speak for all the people of Israel when I say thank you, Mr. President. Thank you for standing with Israel today, tomorrow and always.”
Day 13
Key Points
• U.S. President Joe Biden arrived Oct. 18 in Israel. During his visit, President Biden expressed his strong support for Israel and backing for Israel’s actions in its war against Hamas. Furthermore, President Biden confirmed that the facts indicate clearly that the damage inflicted on Palestinian civilians near the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza was caused by a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) rocket misfire, and not by an Israeli strike.
• Information proving that the attack on the hospital was caused by a failed rocket launch of the PIJ must be distributed to the media, in order to correct the narrative accusing Israel of the attack.
• The Hamas claim regarding the damage to the hospital in Gaza that was propagated by many in the international media without any scrutiny or criticism must be countered forcefully. Repeating unchallenged and unverified claims of an ISIS-like terrorist organization as if they were true is a dangerous and irresponsible act that does not meet any journalistic standards.
• Iran’s negative and dangerous role in relation to terror attacks on Israel should be emphasized. Iran is not only threatening regional peace, but the stability of the entire world. Its attempts to fan the fire through funding terror proxies like Hamas, Hezbollah, PIJ, etc., could lead to acts of violence around the world.
• There is a growing danger of a northern front being opened, due to the continued attacks from Lebanon that have already taken the lives of civilians and soldiers. Israel has no wish to engage in combat in the north but is fully prepared to in such a scenario and will respond forcefully.
• The U.S. Treasury Department’s announcement regarding the imposition of sanctions against ten key economic figures in the Hamas terror group should be replicated by other countries.
• It should be emphasized that even now, about a week and a half after the massacre of residents in the region surrounding the Gaza Strip, and after the scale of the atrocities has become clear beyond any doubt, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas has yet to condemn Hamas’ horrific acts of genocidal violence. The lack of condemnation, in conjunction with the PA’s powerlessness to prevent violent incitement against Israel, constitutes patronage and support of terrorism.
• Oct. 19 the Prime Minister of the UK, Rishi Sunak, visited Israel and expressed his strong support for Israel and its right to defend itself, as well as the need to defeat Hamas.
Updated Statistics
Operational Updates
• The IDF has continued efforts to dismantle Hamas’ administrative and military capabilities through hundreds of intelligence-backed strikes across a broad range of targets over the past day.
• Over 100 terrorists have been targeted in Israel Air Force (IAF) strikes, including many senior terrorist leaders. Yesterday, in a joint Israel Security Agency (ISA) and IDF strike, the head of the military branch of Hamas’ “Popular Resistance Committees” in Rafah was neutralized as part of these efforts. In addition, more than 10 terrorists were targeted in a precision aerial strike, focusing on the Nukhba force, a unit of Hamas terrorist operatives that played a key role in the Oct. 7 massacre.
• While preparing for potential intensification of operations by air, land, and sea, the IDF also continued to target terrorist infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. During the last day, the IDF struck hundreds of Hamas military sites, including dozens in Shuja’iyya, historically a terrorist hotbed. Targets included anti-tank missile launchers, terrorist tunnel shafts, intelligence infrastructure, mortar launchers, and additional command and control centers.
• Israel remains under fire from Hamas. On Thursday afternoon, reports emerged that Hamas took responsibility for a salvo of rockets fired from Lebanon at northern Israel. Active missile defense systems, together with civilian compliance with Home Front Command instructions, have helped minimize – but not avoid – civilian casualties.
• Attempted Hamas attacks on the Israeli home front continue, and southern Israel remains a potentially active combat zone. For example, on Wednesday an IDF tank force identified and neutralized three terrorists near Kissufim. In addition, a Hamas terrorist who had entered Israel during the incursion on Oct. 7 was apprehended while attempting to make his way back to Gaza.
• The IDF and Ministry of Defense have evacuated the majority of the residents in both southern Israel and those living in the area between 0-2 kilometers near the Lebanese border to state-funded guesthouses.
• The Minister of Defense has been given the authority to expand the evacuation to include towns and cities 2-5 kilometers from the border.
• The IDF continues the difficult job of identifying casualties from the attacks on Israel. 306 families have been notified about their kin falling in action; 203 families have been notified of the kidnapping of a family member.
Northern Israel:
• Hezbollah continues to instigate hostilities on the Lebanese border to deflect attention from the IDF’s war with Hamas. This includes rocket fire, gunfire, and anti- tank missile fire at Israeli communities and IDF military outposts. IDF troops are stationed along the border with Lebanon in preparation for any escalation and are responding to attacks with air strikes.
• Anti-tank missiles were fired at the northern communities of Rosh HaNikra, Kibbutz Manara and Dvorit. Gunfire toward Zar’it was also reported.
• Approximately thirty rocket launches were identified from Lebanon toward Israeli territory although, as noted above, reports emerged that Hamas had taken responsibility for at least some of those rockets. In one salvo of six rockets, five launches fell in open areas, and one was successfully intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defense Array. IDF artillery is responding toward the sources of the fire in Lebanon.
• In response to the ongoing missile fire, the IDF continued to strike Hezbollah intelligence and operational outposts along the Lebanon border. This included the observation point from which anti-tank missiles were fired at Rosh HaNikra, as well as artillery fire toward the source of the fire.
Day 14
Key Points
• Iran’s is playing a negative and dangerous role in the Middle East region. Iran is not only threatening regional peace, but the stability of the entire world—and its attempts to fan the fire could lead to acts of violence around the world.
• The increasing danger of escalation on the northern front should be highlighted, considering the ongoing attacks from Lebanon, which have resulted in casualties. Israel is not interested in opening a northern front but is prepared for this scenario and will respond on its own.
• The firing of missiles by the Houthis from Yemen, a step that constitutes another Iranian attempt to expand the circles of combat and fan the fires in the region, should be noted.
• The US Treasury Department’s announcement regarding the imposition of sanctions against ten key economic figures in the Hamas organization should be replicated by other countries.
• It should be emphasized that even now, over a week and a half after the massacre of residents in the region surrounding the Gaza Strip and after the scale of the monstrous atrocities has become clear beyond any doubt, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas has yet to condemn the horrific acts. Remarks made by PA officials, which falsify the facts and echo Hamas’ narrative of the events, raise tensions, and increase the potential of violent clashes. Instructions issued by the PA’s Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs for Friday’s speeches at mosques, included messages that promote incitement and may cause a further escalation in violence.
• The lack of condemnation of Hamas, in conjunction with the PA’s contributions to incitement, constitutes patronage and support of terrorism.
Operational Updates
• The IDF continues to prepare for the next stage of the war. The military maintains its aim of destroying Hamas’ military and administrative capabilities and restoring security to the people of Israel. Six Forward Logistics Centers were deployed to southern Israel in support of these efforts.
• Overnight, the IDF continued to strike Hamas targets while operating on both sides of the security fence to gather intelligence and maintain the IDF’s operational freedom of action.
• Over 100 targets were hit overnight, including a terrorist from Hamas’ naval commando unit who took part in the barbaric massacre on Oct. 7. Other targets included an underground tunnel, weapons storage sites and dozens of operational command centers. Terror assets and weapons in a mosque in Jabaliya were destroyed as well.
• The IDF continues to see southern Israel as a potentially active battlezone, with ongoing terrorist infiltration or attempted attacks along the border. Over the past few days, at least one terrorist was found alive in Israeli territory.
Northern Arena
• In addition to the 30,000 residents of the northern border cities that have been evacuated, 22,000 residents of Kiryat Shmona were also evacuated in order to preserve operational flexibility while contending with the threat from Hezbollah.
• Rocket attacks and attempted infiltrations from southern Lebanon continue. IDF forces responded to the sources of fire as well as other Hezbollah military sites.
• The IDF holds Lebanon responsible for all activity emanating from its borders.
• Today, three Hezbollah terrorists were identified in the area of the border with Lebanon and were struck by the Israel Air Force (IAF). IDF snipers also targeted terrorists operating in the area of the border with Lebanon.
• On Thursday night, in response to attacks along the border, the IDF struck several Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon, focusing on operational and intelligence positions. In addition, an IDF UAV struck Hezbollah terrorists who attempted to launch an anti-tank missile at IDF forces.
• Israel continues to be attacked by rockets launched from Gaza.
• The US Department of Defense also reported that its forces in the northern Red Sea had intercepted three land attack cruise missiles and several drones launched by Houthi forces in Yemen.
• Thus far, families of 306 IDF soldiers have been notified about their loved ones being killed in action and 203 families have been updated about their loved ones being abducted.
Two Hostages Released from Gaza
Two of the 203 confirmed hostages kidnapped by Hamas during the Oct. 7 massacre, have been released by the terror group and have been transferred to the Israeli border via the Red Cross. The two hostages are mother and daughter Judith Tai Raanan and Natalie Shoshana Raanan.
The Coordinator of the Captives and Missing, Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Gal Hirsch, together with the IDF and security forces, received them at the border of the Gaza Strip, and the two are now on their way to a meeting point in an army base in central Israel, where their families are waiting to be reunited with them.
The Government of Israel, the IDF, and the entire security apparatus will continue to do all they can, using any means available, to locate all those missing and bring home the hostages.
Day 15
Updates Statistics
Operational Updates
Southern Arena
• The IDF continues to train and prepare for the next stages of combat, including ground operations.
• The IDF’s goal continues to be to destroy Hamas’ military and administrative capabilities; its top operational priority is to dismantle Hamas’ chain of command by neutralizing the terrorist group’s senior operatives.
• The IDF continues to strike military targets belonging to terrorist organizations in Gaza, including operational command centers, anti-tank missile launchers, strategic Hamas infrastructure, and observation posts.
• IDF forces deployed in the southern arena maintain high vigilance and are ready to face any threat and prevent attempted infiltrations.
Northern Arena
• Residents of the northern city of Kiryat Shmona have been instructed to evacuate to state-funded accommodations for their own safety. Some have decided to stay, which will be respected at this time in accordance with the security situational assessment.
• Terrorists in southern Lebanon continue to fire anti-tank missiles at IDF forces and attempt to infiltrate the State of Israel. The IDF is responding to every such attempt and attack by striking Hezbollah terrorist targets or opening fire toward the origins of the attacks.
• Yesterday, SSGT (res.) Omer Balva, a reservist in the Artillery Corps, was killed by anti-tank missile fire adjacent to the northern border. The IDF will not stand by as its soldiers and civilians are attacked.
• Israel continues to be targeted by rocket barrages fired by Hamas and other terrorist organizations in Gaza and southern Lebanon, including Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah.
• Since Hamas started this war, 307 IDF soldiers have been killed in combat. 210 hostages are being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza, and 100 people are still missing. Approximately 7,000 rockets have been launched toward Israeli territory, with 550 rockets misfiring and falling within Gaza:
Day 16
Key Points
• The Ayatollah regime in Iran continues to play a negative role; it is behind the violent actions of Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen and other militias in Iraq and Syria, and is striving to escalate the conflict, as demonstrated by the firing of missiles by the Houthis from Yemen towards Israel.
• Iran is not only a threat towards regional peace but threatens the stability of the entire world; its attempts to fan the fire could lead to acts of violence around the world.
• There is an increasing danger of escalation on the northern front, due to the ongoing attacks from Lebanon, which have resulted in casualties. Israel is not interested in opening a northern front but is prepared for this scenario and will respond on its own.
• The alliance between Israel and the US is strong and deep. The full strength of the alliance has recently been revealed in the interception of the missiles fired from Yemen by an American destroyer stationed in the Red Sea.
• Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas has yet to condemn Hamas’ horrific atrocities. Remarks made by PA officials, which falsify the facts and echo Hamas’ narrative of the events, raise tensions, and increase the potential of violent clashes.
Operational Updates
Southern Arena
• Preparations to intensify activities against Hamas in Gaza are ongoing. IDF strikes in Gaza continue with the same focus – striking at Hamas leadership or terrorists who were involved in the October 7th attacks, targeting Hamas military or administrative sites, and targeting military sites to improve the IDF’s operational flexibility.
• As part of the efforts to target senior Hamas leadership, the IDF targeted Muhamad Qatmash, the Deputy Head of Hamas’ Artillery Unit who was also responsible for artillery operations in Hamas’ Central Brigade. Several terrorist sites were targeted over the course of the night, including dozens of military tunnels, command centers, mosques used as operational war rooms, weapons storage sites and more.
• Yesterday, the IDF eliminated two terror operatives near the security fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip, one of whom was a Hamas “Nukhba” operative.
Northern Arena
• Hezbollah’s ongoing aggression against Israel has continued with anti-tank missiles fired towards northern communities. In all cases, the IDF responded to the sources of fire. The IDF is carefully monitoring the region and on at least two occasions, today and yesterday, Israeli forces identified terrorist cells attempting to launch anti-tank missiles and neutralized the threats. A UAV launched from Lebanon was intercepted Sunday morning by the Israeli Aerial Defense Array.
• The same system had also intercepted a rocket launched at an Israeli UAV which was not damaged. On two occasions over the past day, mortars and rockets were fired at Israel.
• On Saturday, an IDF soldier was severely injured, he was hit by an anti-tank missile in the Bar’am area and later succumbed to his wounds. Two additional soldiers were slightly injured and received medical treatment at the scene.
• Hamas and other terrorist organizations in Gaza continue to indiscriminately target the Israeli home front. Over the past day, rockets were fired from Gaza towards central and southern Israel. The IDF also released data that some 550 rockets fired from Gaza have misfired since the start of the war, killing and wounding civilians in Gaza.
• In light of the ongoing threat to the Israeli home front from the north, and in order to ensure operational flexibility, the Ministry of Defense has expanded the evacuation of northern communities, adding another 14 communities to the list. To date, some 120,000 Israeli civilians have been asked to evacuate in southern and northern Israel.
• 212 families have been notified that their loved ones were abducted, and 307 families were notified that their loved ones were killed in action.
Judea and Samaria
• In a joint IDF and Israeli Security Agency (ISA) operation, the IDF conducted an aerial strike on an underground terror compound which was set up by terrorists inside the Al-Ansar Mosque in Jenin. The mosque contained a Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror cell that Israeli intelligence had identified as planning an imminent terror attack. The mosque was used by the terrorists as a command center to plan the attacks and as a base for their execution. See below for more details.
Day 17
Key Points
• The IDF struck hundreds of targets in Gaza over the last 24 hours, focusing on both Hamas operatives and military targets, including weapons storage sites, underground terrorist tunnels, command centers, observation posts and more.
• An IDF soldier was killed by an anti-tank missile fired from the Gaza Strip near Kissufim.
• Attacks from Lebanon on Israel’s northern border continued, including an attempted rocket launch, two UAVs that were launched, and the identification of an anti-tank missile cell. These attacks were prevented by swift IDF action.
Updated Statistics
Operational Updates:
• The IDF continues to strike Hamas military targets in the Gaza Strip, preparing for the intensification of operations in order to dismantle the Hamas organization.
• Over the last day, hundreds of targets were struck. Two of these targets were located in the vicinity of a mosque, as Hamas continues to use civilian infrastructure for terrorist activity.
• The IDF also continues to ensure that all those involved in the attacks on October 7 are brought to justice.
• Hamas efforts to target Israel continued as well. On Monday afternoon, two UAVs were launched from Gaza and thwarted by the IDF. In addition, an anti-tank missile cell was identified and targeted overnight by an IDF tank.
• The IDF continues to operate on both sides of the security fence in order to both gather intelligence and improve IDF operational flexibility for the next stages of the war.
• While carrying out these missions, one IDF soldier was killed, and three others were injured near Kissufim after a tank and engineering vehicle were targeted by an anti-tank squad in the Gaza Strip on Sunday.
• Over 800 bodies of terrorists who invaded Israel on October 7th have been recovered in southern Israel, and some 200 terrorists are being detained.
• The IDF continues to carefully monitor southern Israel in the wake of October 7th’s attack. As part of these efforts, a pink school bag with an explosive device was in the area of Kissufim. This bag was carried by Hamas terrorists in the October 7th attack and contains a remotely activated explosive device, and explosives weighing about 7 kilograms. Click HERE for more information.
• Despite Hamas’s attempts to stop residents from following the IDF’s recommendations to temporarily move to southern Gaza, over 700,000 Gazan residents have already done so. Israeli security forces checked the 14 truckloads of humanitarian aid containing food, water and medicine that crossed into Gaza through the Rafah crossing on Sunday. The IDF has reiterated that it will not allow any aid to reach Hamas terrorists.
Northern Israel
• On the northern border, Hezbollah terrorist attacks continue with anti-tank missiles fired at communities and military posts. The IDF continues to quickly identify and eliminate the abilities of terror cells preparing to launch attacks. Just on the last day, the IDF struck eight such cells, seven before they even launched rockets.
• Since the beginning of the war, over twenty Hezbollah cells have been targeted. On Monday afternoon, a UAV attempted to penetrate Israeli airspace from Lebanon via the sea, before being intercepted by the Israeli Aerial Defense Array.
• The IDF will continue to respond to every attempt or attack on its forces.
The Israeli Homefront
• Hamas in the south and Hezbollah in the north continue to fire rockets and launch UAVs at Israeli communities and military posts, with sirens sounding in southern Israel, Be’er Sheva, and in northern Israel.
• The National Emergency Management Authority said some 120,000 civilians have been relocated from southern and northern Israel.
• To date, 222 families have been notified that their loved ones were taken hostage in the Gaza Strip and 308 families of soldiers were notified that their loved ones were killed in action.
Consul General Sultan-Dadon and their team are available to answer questions from the media. Please send an email to publicaffairs@atlanta.mfa.gov.il to request an interview/statement.