THEN & NOW: Jewish Couples’ Decades of Laughs and Love
Then & NowCommunity

THEN & NOW: Jewish Couples’ Decades of Laughs and Love

As an Atlanta Jewish Times tradition, we spotlight some of the city’s most optimistic and fun-loving couples who share how they met and their secrets to longstanding marriage.

After 37 years with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and now with the AJT, , Jaffe’s focus is lifestyle, art, dining, fashion, and community events with emphasis on Jewish movers and shakers.

  • Birdie and Josiah Benator
    Birdie and Josiah Benator
  • Judy and Steve Funk
    Judy and Steve Funk
  • Sue and Jon Winner
    Sue and Jon Winner
  • Aviva and Harry Stern
    Aviva and Harry Stern
  • Steve and Eydie Koonin
    Steve and Eydie Koonin
  • Debbie and Stan Sonenshine
    Debbie and Stan Sonenshine
  • Jody and Ramon Franco
    Jody and Ramon Franco
  • Betty and Allen Blass
    Betty and Allen Blass

Long before Goldie opined the concept of modern romantic love to Tevye in “Fiddler on the Roof,” Jewish couples navigated the oft circuitous marriage road.

As an Atlanta Jewish Times tradition, we spotlight some of the city’s most optimistic and fun-loving couples who share how they met and their secrets to longstanding marriage. Our average here is 54 years with Birdie and Josiah Benator marking the top with 75 years of coupling.

With only 35 percent of U.S. marriages surviving the 25-year mark, see how these couples enjoy the most sacred of vows. Find out how Jon Winner won $500 worth of burgers expressing his love, and why Steve Koonin believes that diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Stan Sonenshine flipped over Debbie’s tight blouse; and Ramon Franco attributes jogging around the block to maintaining a happy home.

Click the couples’ names below to open up their stories:

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