Letter to the Editor: Doron Lubinsky
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Letter to the editor,
Jewish Atlanta’s Big Tent closed to Anti-Israel Left – Dec. 15
If a group of people want to burn down the tent, do you let them in? The name “Jewish Voices for Peace” is at odds with its rationalizing violent attacks on Israelis and calling for the end of Israel.
Judging by the number of young people at the massive pro-Israel rally in Washington in November, support for Israel is strong. Moreover, the antisemitism since Oct. 7, not least on campuses, has encouraged many young Jews to affirm their identity.
Compare Israel to its neighbors. To the northeast is Syria, where the Assad regime has killed over 500,000 people in the ongoing civil war. To the north lies Lebanon, with its economy and government shattered by Hezbollah’s stranglehold. To the south lies dictatorial Egypt. To the east lies the authoritarian monarchy of Jordan, and the oppressive corrupt Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. And then there is Hamas run Gaza. Why replace Israel with a copy of these? Nor would a one state solution work, given that Palestinians favor genocidal groups like Hamas.
Israel is far freer than any of its neighbors. Its Arab minority is well represented in medicine. Problems on the West Bank stem largely from Palestinian rejection of every peace process. The civilian casualty count in the latest war that Hamas started, is less than in recent wars in Yemen, Tigray, and the Ukraine.
Doron Lubinsky, Atlanta