Letter to the Editor: Dr. Jeffrey Kunkes
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It is funny that your progressive letter writers think that I am a diehard Republican activist and part of a well-coordinated plot against empty suit [Jon] Ossoff and anti-Israel preacher [Raphael] Warnock. If the names Lerch Kerry, Inconvenient Gore, Epstein-buddy Clinton, Tank driver Dukakis, Mopey Mondale, and Apartheid Carter seem familiar, these are the names of Democrat presidential candidates I supported with money and votes. So much for being controlled and diehard. For the newbies of Sandy Springs, I was on the Committee for Sandy Springs for six years, begging the corrupt Democrat leadership of Atlanta and Fulton County to be allowed to start an independent city. Newer residents do not remember hour-long response time for police and fire. Nor do they remember the multiple investigations of several recent past mayors of Atlanta.
It was the Republican renaissance in 2004 that allowed Sandy Springs and then Milton and Johns Creek to be free at last with improved services and education. It was the first Republican Governor Sonny Perdue who made the first state visit to Israel, and I helped draft the bill that allowed Georgia to buy Israel bonds, which has been repeated by Governors [Nathan] Deal and [Brian] Kemp. We are talking about between $20-30 million of bonds held by the people of Georgia. It was the three Republican governors who elevated Georgia into the top five places to do business for the past several years. Now Fulton County, with the influx of out-of-staters, has become blue because Republican improvements have been accomplished.
In this election, we are asked to support Warnock and Ossoff, neither of whom have any experience running a large business, creating jobs, knowing foreign affairs or legislative history. I do not know if Warnock is anti-Semitic, but he has a long history of anti-Israel comments, which have not been retracted and are troubling. There is no equivalence between Warnock’s quotes over time and a passing meeting with QAnon by [Kelly] Loeffler. Lastly, Ossoff has the thinnest resume and people defended him when he was accused of being funded by Communist China. Social media and the mainstream news censored this story. However, after the election and [Joe] Biden safely elected, lo and behold, Ossoff had to redo his taxes and list his Chinese financial sponsors. OMG. We knew this all along, but as Lincoln, a Republican said, you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time or else we become the fools.
And if this does change your vote, remember if [David] Perdue and Loeffler do not win, you can welcome crazy Bernie Sanders as your new chairman of the Senate Budget Committee.
Dr. Jeffrey Kunkes, Atlanta (Independent, not coordinated pro-Israel and Judaism activist)