Letter to the Editor: Lisa Potash
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Dear Rabbi Ephraim Silverman and Rabbi Elizabeth Bahar,
The Socialist Workers Party in Atlanta extends our solidarity to Chabad House in Marietta and Temple Beth Israel in Macon. The outpourings of those standing with the Jewish community showed how small and isolated these pro-Nazi outfits are currently.
Antisemitism has greatly declined amongst working people. The worldwide capitalist crisis and instability today underlies the increase in acts of Jew-hatred in recent years. History teaches that as these crises become acute in coming years, the capitalist rulers will use Jew-hatred and a fascist movement to shift blame for worsening conditions away from their system, in the face of growing working-class struggles.
Working people will begin to see the need for the working class and unions to break from the two capitalist parties — the Democrats and Republicans — and form a politically independent labor party based on the unions. It could help mobilize against acts of Jew-hatred, as part of organizing solidarity with working class and labor struggles.
Workers and farmers in Cuba took power and made a socialist revolution, continuing to defend it today. There, Jews’ rights and institutions have been steadfastly supported from the beginning.
We must also guard against bans on freedom of speech. We should oppose piling charges of “hate crime” on top of charges of violence against those who attack Jews and synagogues. Criminalization of thought is a precedent that will inevitably be used against the working class and its organizations.
The Socialist Workers Party in Atlanta stands ready to speak out with others against acts of Jew-hatred whenever they occur.
Lisa Potash of the Socialist Workers Party, Atlanta