Meliss Jakubovic’s Rosh Hashanah Message for 2022
Meliss Jakubovic shares her thoughts and inspiration for the Jewish New Year.
Being able to see people and spend time together face to face after so much time away has created a sense of calm within.
As much as I personally enjoyed the alone time, it wasn’t until I started gathering in groups again that I realized how much I needed everyone else’s energy.
Our Israeli folk dance session resumed after 2.5 years away. We had been dancing together weekly for about 50 years and the dancers have become my family. It wasn’t until we came together again that I realized how much a piece of me was missing.
Now, more people than ever have been joining us and our session size has increased tremendously (Feel free to join us at B’nai Torah Tuesday nights). That’s more music, more culture, more dancing, and of course, more connections with those we love.
As the holiday approaches, search for the connections that you have lost or allowed to fizzle away. Connect on a deep level, remembering that we are not here forever. Try to make the most of every interaction and don’t take a single moment for granted.
Chag Sameach to the entire community. May you make this year the most meaningful yet filled with love, deep connection with everyone around you, and an openness to learn from others and make new friendships along the way.
Meliss Jakubovic is an online marketing strategist to coaches and healers and Atlanta’s Israeli folk dance instructor.