Temple Sinai Clergy Team’s 2022 Passover Message
Temple Sinai Clergy Team shares its inspiration and thoughts on this year's Passover holiday with the community.
We spend time during our Seders reflecting upon the years the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, attempting to empathize with the plight of our ancestors, after which we savor the taste of freedom on the other side of the sea.
While surely appropriate to linger in these defining moments, for the crux of our historical narrative is one that moves from bondage to redemption, it seems we often disregard the actual moments of transition.
What must it have been like during those steps taken through the parted waters, walking in the midst of a miracle? That liminal moment, when we were neither enslaved nor free, is typically overlooked.
Emerging from two Passovers where our Seder customs were governed by the pandemic and the precautions we took to embrace tradition while keeping each other safe, it seems we are experiencing that “in-between-ness” with this year’s Passover observance.
Although we are thankfully advancing toward normalcy, we are not quite there, for while many in our communities will gather with friends and family around the Seder table (taking appropriate precautions to ensure everyone’s safety), we recognize many still have loved ones with whom we cannot celebrate this year. No longer enslaved, but not entirely free; no longer in the throes of pandemic, but not completely on the other side of it either.
As our ancestors experienced while crossing the sea, taking it one step at a time, counting their blessings and looking toward the horizon, let us express our gratitude at this year’s Seder that the past two years are behind us and look with hope and optimism toward the year ahead.
We pray that next year, freedom will be fully realized, that all will be able to gather comfortably together, that all who are hungry will be able to come and eat.
Temple Sinai is a Reform Congregation in Sandy Springs – Rabbi Ronald M. Segal, Rabbi Samantha Shabman Trief, Cantor Beth Schafer, and Rabbi Bradley G. Levenberg, PhD