Mitchell Kopelman’s 2021 Rosh Hashanah Message
Read community insights, perspectives and opportunities seen as we enter into the 5782/ 2021 New Year.
Each year, as Rosh Hashana approaches, I get very anxious. My father, Kenneth David Kopelman/Kaddish Dovid’s (Z”L), yahrzeit is on the 23rd of Elul 5749, as he passed away the week before Rosh Hashanah.
I wasn’t ready to comprehend what had happened and was not expecting the call. I was fortunate that Stacey was with me; and she was supportive beyond belief.
Each year, as Rosh Hashanah approaches, I remember my dear father more each day as we approach his yahrzeit.
I didn’t read Torah for many years, and about 15 years ago, I decided that I would do a mitzvah in my father’s memory and learned the Torah reading for his yahrzeit. My Dad loved when I read Torah and led services, and each year I feel closer to him when I read this parsha.
Mitzvahs are really a gift, and I have found that every new mitzvah I take on brings new blessings in my life.
I would like to encourage you to find a mitzvah that can bring pride to you and your family and to make 5782 a better year. We should all strive to be better tomorrow than we are today. Find your way to grow in your Judaism, whether it is lighting candles, putting on tefillin, studying the parsha, giving tzedakah, visiting Israel, attending a study session, find your passion and embrace it.
May you and your family have a good and sweet New Year, and may you find one new mitzvah in your life that you do once a day, week, or year, whatever works for you.
Mitchell Kopelman is a member of Chabad of Cobb, board member of FIDF, past president of Alef Fund and partner-in-charge of Aprio’s Technology Practice.