Letter to the Editor: Congressman Hank Johnson
Letters to the EditorOpinion

Letter to the Editor: Congressman Hank Johnson

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Letter to the editor,

I am disturbed to learn that Governor Brian Kemp has deployed the Georgia State Patrol onto the Emory University campus. The mandate of GSP is to “investigate traffic crashes and enforce traffic and criminal laws on the state’s roads.” Georgia State Patrol has no place on the college campus. And neither do outside agitators who seek to usurp the peaceful protests against the Netanyahu government’s killing of tens of thousands of innocent Gazans by giving life to a false narrative that the protest movement is violent and anti-Semitic. Those participants who seek to intimidate, threaten, or demean our Jewish brothers and sisters have no place among the legitimate protesters. Reminiscent of the anti-war and civil rights protests on college campuses in the 1960s and 70s, today’s student protesters have a First Amendment right to protest against what they see as unjust policies and practices of their government, I fully support their right to peacefully protest on campus, and I call for the outside agitators to stay away from our college campuses.

Congressman Hank Johnson (GA-04), Decatur, GA

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