A Passover Message from Rabbi Hillel Norry
Read community insights, advice and perspectives during Passover.
Freedom is born in the mind, takes root in the spirit, and reveals itself in the body. The Israelites first dream of liberty while still enslaved. The Exodus begins when they choose to “cry out” to God.
All freedom, even on the scale of a national exodus from slavery, begins with personal freedom. We must want freedom, imagine it, dream of it, and make it a part of our mindset before we can use our spirit, our perseverance to carry us through the inevitably difficult road through the wilderness.
Ultimately, when our mind declares freedom and our spirit strives towards liberty, it is in and with our body that we experience both our slavery and our freedom.
Personal freedom is rooted in a healthy and whole body. This year, to me, freedom looks like a liberated mind, an abundant spirit, and a healthy body. May this holistic personal freedom be shared by everyone, and may we all soon be free to be closer together. Next year … IN PERSON. Chag Sameach.
Rabbi Hillel Norry is the interim rabbi for B’nai Zion Congregation in Chattanooga.