Mother’s Day Tribute: Alyssa Mattson
Mother's dayCommunity

Mother’s Day Tribute: Alyssa Mattson

Several AJT readers express their gratitude and love for the most important women in their lives.

Somewhere along the engagement stage last summer, I realized I was marrying not only a man, but a family. The prospect was daunting to me. Yet, now married and local to my inlaws, I have discovered that my insecurity and fears were groundless. My mother-in-love (to use her words), has been arms, heart, and smile wide open. Her unceasing, vibrant love strengthens my own. Her appreciation for all that is beauty and joy is unmatched; her commitment to family, endless. She deserves the most wonderful mother’s day full of flowers—both in nature sightings and in the comfort of home.

Elisa Mattson

Marietta, GA

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