A Passover Message from Rabbi Rachael Miller
Read community insights, advice and perspectives during Passover.
The year has certainly been unique, both negatively and positively, and through it all, I have found freedom in the opportunity to be creative and innovative. There were so many moments for innovation from last Passover to this one. We’ve had virtual seders, virtual Shabbatot and High Holy Day services, game nights, Torah studies, education classes, youth events, concerts, talent shows, and more, all done with new skills and creative thinking.
Unlike the Israelites in our recent Torah portions, we didn’t have a blueprint ahead of time telling us how we would build a new sacred space. Instead, we had the opportunity to build something out of (almost) nothing and to take our community with us through the journey. I pray that this sense of freedom through creativity stays with us as we, God-willing, come through our modern wilderness together and continue to build a more beautiful world.
Rabbi Rachael Miller is an associate rabbi at Temple Emanu-El.