Diana Cole’s Chanukah Message for 2024

Diana Cole’s Chanukah Message for 2024

The staff of Atlanta Jewish Times shares their thoughts and inspiration for Chanukah this year.

Diana Cole
Diana Cole

As the festive glow of the menorah lights up the city, we think about a century of joy, resilience, and community spirit that has made us shine brighter than ever. Hanukah reminds me of the miracles of the past and inspires hope for the future—a celebration of faith, freedom, and family.

This holiday reminds me of the faith that sustained our ancestors and the miraculous events of centuries ago that shaped our shared heritage. It reminds me of the joy that Hanukah spreads throughout the world. I love seeing the eyes of children show excitement of the menorah being lit.

This year, the call for freedom resonates even deeper in our hearts, as we pray for the safe release of the over 100 hostages from the unthinkable events of October 7th. May their return be swift and an “easy” return.

We are a resilient tribe that will overcome all obstacles and antisemitism, especially in colleges.

For me, Hanukah is most profoundly about family. Though this year my family will not all be together in Atlanta, our bond remains strong, unshaken by distance. We carry the light of our family wherever we may be.

I love adding all the Hanukah community events into the AJT Connector. It reminds me that even though we are not family, we are all together as one.
May the candles of Hanukah continue to illuminate our lives with faith, hope, and togetherness for generations to come.

Diana Cole is the Atlanta Jewish Connector Coordinator for Atlanta Jewish Times.

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