Flora Rosefsky’s 2021 Rosh Hashanah Message
Read community insights, perspectives and opportunities seen as we enter into the 5782/ 2021 New Year.
Words for opportunity might be called wishful thinking. Because the future is more unknown, I wonder what roadblocks may get in the way of my best-laid plans. To maintain good health as best I can: a fitness center a few steps from my apartment’s front door waits for my consistent commitment to get there, with no excuses. As more citizens get vaccinated, I anticipate once again feeling comfortable getting on a plane to be with my New York family. I look forward to continuing to learn more from our Georgia Jewish community clergy, leaders, friends and people willing to share their stories with me. The pandemic made me find new ways to work at home, which proved that some change isn’t all so bad. I hope to build on skills I’ve learned this past year, especially with anything related to the computer. And with advances in better understanding climate, I expect to do more here at home to lessen our carbon footprint. My father-in-law, Harry Rosefsky, of blessed memory, used to say that “time had wings.” Each Rosh Hashanah, and on every birthday, those words ring truer than they did the year before. And as I get older, days fly by faster, a reason to make every day a good one, not to take opportunities for granted, or to put them aside for another time. I still have the chance to put together a bucket list item – a personal book to leave as a family legacy, if procrastination doesn’t get in the way. Will that opportunity happen or not? Time will tell.
Flora Rosefsky is an AJT contributing writer and visual artist.