JNF Taps Siegel for Lead Role
Andy Siegel will serve as president starting in October.
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The Jewish National Fund in Atlanta announced that Andy Siegel would take the reins succeeding Mark Kopkin in October of this year.
Beth Gluck, JNF Executive Director Greater Atlanta, stated, “Under the leadership of our current president, Mark Kopkin, Jewish National Fund-USA has prioritized building a strong pipeline of donors and leaders. As a result … Andy Siegel was elected last year to succeed Mark as president when he steps down after three extraordinary years of service. Andy brings a wealth of fundraising expertise, a vast network within the Jewish community, and an unwavering commitment to JNF-USA’s vision. His leadership promises to build upon Mark’s legacy and guide us to new heights in advancing our mission.”
Siegel, who runs Siegel Insurance Inc, is active in Ahavath Achim Synagogue where he served on the board for seven years, co-chaired the Brotherhood, and served as Gabbai and usher.
Siegel initially became involved in JNF as a trustee, and then served as a board member. He stated, “During my board tenure, I grew to better understand the many things JNF does to help support Isreal’s land and people. We all know about planting trees; but JNF does so much more, including community building, water solutions, helping the disabled and those with special needs. JNF was there to help the people of Israel right after Oct. 7 and continues to evolve as the needs change. My passion for JNF grows as I learn more about the organization and all of the people it benefits.”
Kopkin was elected president of JNF-Atlanta in October 2022. His term was set to end in September 2024, but the Board asked him to remain for another year. He looks forward to the Gladys & Jack Hirsh Breakfast for Dinner for Israel on March 2, adding, “In 2022, we had our largest turnout of 287 people with continuing record turnouts until 2024 to 500. We hope to host another record of 600. I’m proud of JNF›s history as well as what JNF is doing locally — springing into action with our post-Oct. 7 Resilience Campaign.”
After meeting their fundraising goals, JNF-Atlanta initiated a rebuilding campaign, and now a re-imagining campaign. Kopkin explained, “Israel was an amazing country before the invasion and massacre of Oct. 7, and JNF is focused on supporting the people and land of Israel in becoming even better once this war is over.”
The March 2nd event’s theme is “hope” — the meaning of Israel’s national anthem – “Hatikvah.”
Kopkin headed the nominating committee tapping Siegel. He added, “More importantly than Andy being my insurance agent and a decades-long friend, he is a first-class businessman, an unbelievable father, husband, brother, and benefactor. I have every belief that he will lead us to greater heights.”