Letter to the Editor: Ross Vachon
The AJT welcomes your letters. If you would like your letter to be published, please write 200 words or less, and send it to editor@atljewishtimes.com.
Shortly after Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was re-elected by a wide margin in August, the Atlanta Jewish Times published a letter by one Richard Sherman of Margate, Fla., which contained one invidious comparison, and one factual error. To wit:
1. He compared the voters of the congresswoman’s Minnesota district to the 1933 Germans who helped make Hitler chancellor. Either he was on LSD when he said it, or he failed history in school.
2. He declared that the late Georgia Congressman John Lewis would certainly condemn Congresswoman Omar as an “anti-Semite.” Before he passed, Congressman Lewis co-sponsored a bill with Congresswoman Omar calling for a boycott of Israel. And, Ilhan Omar revealed that John Lewis affectionately called her “daughter” and told her how thrilled he was that she, a black Muslim African hijab-wearing refugee, had been elected to Congress and would now serve beside him.
Ross Vachon, San Clemente, Calif.