Rothbaum Joins Ahavath Achim as Interim Rabbi
Rabbi Michael Rothbaum will serve through July 2025 while a search committee goes into action.
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Dr. Mark Stern, president of Ahavath Achim Synagogue, announced the addition of Rabbi Michael Rothbaum to serve as associate clergy, along with the formation of a search committee to secure a permanent assistant rabbi.
Stern’s letter to the membership stated, “It is with great joy and sincere enthusiasm that we announce the arrival of Rabbi Mike Rothbaum as our new Interim Associate Rabbi through July 2025. With a focus on spirituality, pastoral care, and social justice, he will help while our new clergy search is underway. Rabbi Rothbaum and his husband, Anthony Russell, have made AA their spiritual home for the past few years. During our recent High Holiday services … their deep love of Torah and Yiddishkeit added to our spiritual experience. Rabbi Mike led services and offered kavanot (spiritual intentions), and Anthony lent his beautiful voice and Yiddish language talents to our meshorerim (singing ensembles) and in cantorial leadership during our services, and the beautiful rendition of ‘Hineni.’”
Russell, who is Black, was featured in a 2022 Atlanta Jewish Times article, “Atlanta’s Yiddish Musical Gem.”

Rabbi Rothbaum said, “What an absolute mechayeh to join the clergy team at Ahavath Achim! Since we walked in the door as visitors, Anthony and I have felt profound love from the special members of this community and from Rabbi Rosenthal and Rabbi Sandler. For over 130 years, the AA has been a beacon in the Atlanta Jewish world for innovative education, ritual, and justice initiatives, rooted in authentic Jewish practice and communal service.
To serve in a community guided by the dynamic and visionary leadership of Rabbi Laurence Rosenthal is a true blessing.”
Rabbi Rothbaum’s role will include: enriching the spiritual programming and worship experiences; providing compassionate pastoral care; and developing and expanding social justice initiatives.
AA’s Board of Directors announced the formation of a clergy search committee to recruit the next rabbi. It will be chaired by Sarah Cohen and Randy Weinstein, with Larry Gold, Nancy Levine, Rachel Joseph, Eric Miller, and Brandon Goldberg rounding out committee. They are also forming a consultants committee to help vet, interview, and work with the committee and candidates. They will be working with the The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ) and The Rabbinical Assembly.
Weinstein said, “Sarah and I are delighted to lead this search … we are excited to bring candidates who will embrace our traditional legacy and bring enthusiasm to supporting our members’ unique spiritual journeys.”
The goal is to identify a new assistant rabbi by late spring.
Ahavath Achim Senior Rabbi Laurence Rosenthal related, “I’ve known Rabbi Mike from various Atlanta Rabbinical Association functions. I was impressed by his thoughtful and deep Torah insights. Where I really became impressed was our Federation trip to Israel last January after Oct. 7. He brought a very thoughtful voice and compassion to the trip. He also created meaningful connections with some of the rabbis one wouldn’t normally expect. He’s a person of strong convictions who can listen deeply and make connections with people from very diverse backgrounds. I’m excited to see what he’ll do at Ahavath Achim.”
Rothbaum was previously rabbi at Reconstructionist congregation Bet Haverim, which states that they “provide contemporary experiences in which Jewish practices can integrate with social consciousness, intellectual curiosity, sexual orientation, and familial bonds.”
Rabbi Rothbaum is also on record in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution as representing congregation Temple Beth David, endorsing Senators Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff’s controversial vote to restrict shipments of arms to Israel.
On Dec. 28, AA Rabbi Emeritus Neal Sandler addressed the congregation to formally step back from the part-time role he held over the past few years.