Superstar Choir Performs at B’nai Torah

Superstar Choir Performs at B’nai Torah

The JF&CS-led choral group sang on Dec. 12.

JF&CS Superstar Choir members getting ready to sing // Photo courtesy of Facebook
JF&CS Superstar Choir members getting ready to sing // Photo courtesy of Facebook

A much-anticipated reprise, the Jewish Family & Career Services Superstar Choir performed their second annual concert on Dec. 12, in a brand-new location.

“We’re very excited this year, because last year it was just a small … audience, and this year, because we moved it to B’nai Torah, we’ve got 170 people coming,” said Michele Fox, one of the choir directors. “It’s been an incredible experience working with this group of people. They’re so excited and so determined. Even though they’re challenged, they have learned all the words to all the songs and aren’t even using their books.”

The choir, which came about in 2023, is comprised of several clients who utilize IndepenceWORKS, JF&CS’s Community Access Group for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

“JF&CS reached out to me and said, ‘We’re thinking of doing this, what do you think?’ and I said, ‘I’m in,’ and I started recruiting my wonderful choir volunteers,” said Cherie Aviv, a JF&CS volunteer and one of the choir managers, who also helped recruit the choir directors, Michele Fox and Carol Schemo. “They sing with a local choral group that sings in senior living. They came, picked out the songs, worked with Richard Siegel, who’s the pianist, and with Andrew (Hamby), who’s a staff member – came up with the songs, and they rehearsed twice a week for about six to eight weeks.”

JF&CS Superstar Choir members walking into social hall to great applause // Photo courtesy of Facebook

“The clients just love it,” said Aviv, “they feel inspired, they rehearse when I’m not there twice a week. It’s very uplifting. They get dressed up, they do their hair and makeup today – they’re getting it done in the room over there. They get their choir robes on. They feel so professional, and they are professional.”

“When we came back this year to start rehearsals again, they remembered us and were so excited to see us,” said Fox, “especially because they realized that they were going to be doing another holiday show.”

“It was a very small kind of home-made production, and it has grown over the years,” said Abby Lail-Franz, community advocacy manager at JF&CS and the other choir manager, describing how the choir started. “But the idea is to put the spotlight on this population. Often people are afraid to stare, look at someone with a disability, look at someone who looks a bit different. We’re trying to do just the opposite. We’re putting them in a space where they get command of the room.”

And command the room they did. After having lunch together at the location and getting the chance to take some pictures to remember the event by, the choir members slowly filtered into the social hall, which had filled with people, many of whom were friends or relatives of choir members, but many of whom were community members interested in the show.

Then they began to sing a series of non-denominational holiday songs, selected by the choir members themselves – and they sung them with a level of joy found only in those who have practiced singing to the point of perfection.

“They are such a gift for us,” said Schemo. “Each one of them has their own set of challenges, but when we get into the room and start singing, all of that goes out the window. Everyone sparkles, and they’re just so full of enthusiasm. And right now, with the world the way it is, this has been a breath of fresh air for us and them, because when we’re singing, nothing else really matters.”

The choir concluded with “Let There be Peace on Earth,” but sung it twice. First, they sang it by themselves, and then the whole of the audience was invited to stand and sing it with them. The choir applauded the audience as they did so, and over 200 voices harmonized, filling the hall.

Best friends and choir members, Todd and Lauren, were ecstatic to have gotten to perform together once again.

Members of the JF&CS Superstar Choir singing // Photo courtesy of Facebook

“I just felt really good, because when I perform up there it makes me feel like I accomplished something,” Lauren said.

“I feel happy, I feel excited to be there with my best friend Lauren,” said Todd.

They both excitedly answered yes when asked if they’d do it again next year.

“We know that when we can connect our treasured clients with activities that really do tap into their talent, and their passion, and allow them to express themselves fully, that it brings joy, and light, and love to everybody else,” said Terri Bonoff, CEO of JF&CS. “And during these times, when there is so much darkness, I watched the people in this room, and we weren’t dark anymore. It truly does lift spirits, and not just for the choir, but for those of us who are blessed to be in the room listening.”

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