Sinai Parents Get the Scoop on Teen Pitfalls

Sinai Parents Get the Scoop on Teen Pitfalls

Temple Sinai member Keri Greenwald aimed to sponsor a hard-hitting preventative message to parents and students alike.

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Keri Greenwald
Keri Greenwald

Temple Sinai parents discussed contemporary parenting and potential legal pitfalls with approximately 100 attendees coming in person or virtually on Sunday, Jan. 12 for the presentation, which was co-sponsored by The Epstein School, Davis Academy, JumpSpark, and The Weber School.

The event fell under the umbrella of the Greenwald Family Parenting Endowment Fund, established to bring topical speakers to Temple Sinai. Keri Greenwald said, “Our goal is to support community parenting and learn from the best as we strive to raise mensches.”

Whether drinking alcohol, using fake IDs, driving under the influence, or sexting, the risks are many and can have long lasting and serious consequences. Abt cautioned parents to take steps to educate themselves and their children.

The event was directed to high school and college students along with their parents to address current issues in the criminal justice system affecting young adults. The featured speaker stated, “Criminal allegations vary among age, demographic groups, and geographic location within Georgia. We see everything from murders to sex crimes, drug crimes, theft, and even white-collar crime … we see all types of cases that vary among groups, based on demographics and other factors.”

The featured speaker concentrated on DUIs, drug use, what to say to police in various situations, sexual misconduct, and how to avoid problems with law enforcement and the courts. He added, “How easy is it to get drugs? Very, very easy, if you want them. How easy is it to access porn? Very, very easy, if you want it.”

The National Institutes of Health released statistics showing increases in teen pornography usage. The report cited lockdown during COVID as one factor. The average age of first exposure to pornography is 12. Boys are more likely to engage than girls. In the U.S., 68 percent of teens found pornography on the web. In terms of drinking, six percent of drivers in Georgia between 15 and 20 years old involved in fatalities had consumed alcohol. Car accidents are the leading cause of teen death. The statistics are plentiful and jarring.

Sexting is something that young parents themselves did not grow up with. The featured speaker noted that sexual desires are common among all humans. “The real issue is how we act and react to those desires, and whether we have the education, training, and upbringing to avoid problems.”

He mentioned controls that can be placed on cell phones, particularly ones belonging to minors. The featured speaker covered “scary” critical issues, including fentanyl in street drugs, overdose prevention, and its alarming prevalence. He also addressed what to expect if pulled over, legal ages for various activities, the consequences of teen sexting, and how Georgia law differs from other states.

The featured speaker noted that the vast majority of his clients never see prison or get a criminal conviction on their record. His legal fees are not based on an hourly rate; instead, he uses flat fees based on what charges the individual is facing.

Regarding the featured speaker’s presentation at Sinai, Greenwald related, “What struck me most was the lasting impact of his talk. Our child and her friends discussed what they learned all afternoon; and parents expressed gratitude for addressing vital topics. One student was so inspired that she asked Jay to speak at her public school.”

Rabbi Natan Trief concluded, “Jay did a great job laying out in concrete detail what are some of the problems and pitfalls that may confront our teens. He talked about sensitive topics … even parent-hosted parties. Though synagogues don’t normally host such speakers and/or topics, we thought it was important to be able to frame the conversation around Jewish values in a Jewish space. After all, our kids are going to be exposed to challenging decisions, and Jay was a perfect person to help facilitate the conversation.”

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