Spring Into JumpSpark

Spring Into JumpSpark

JumpSpark is registering ninth- to 12th-graders for six sessions in March and April.

The Atlanta Jewish Teen Initiative kicks off its first engagement by gathering teens across Atlanta for an Atlanta United game. The first JumpSpark intensive session, set for January, will focus on sports.
The Atlanta Jewish Teen Initiative kicks off its first engagement by gathering teens across Atlanta for an Atlanta United game. The first JumpSpark intensive session, set for January, will focus on sports.

JumpSpark, the Atlanta Jewish Teen Initiative’s intensive, interest-based programming, is registering ninth- to 12th-graders for six sessions in March and April:

  • JumpSpark Music, in partnership with the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival, offers events, speakers and performances geared to musicians, music lovers and potential college music majors from March 11 to 15. Register at bit.ly/JumpSparkMusic318.
  • JumpSpark Farm-to-Table, from March 12 to 16, explores the culinary arts through food tours and tastings, farm visits, cooking classes, an immersive simulation to understand the role of food in various social climates, and volunteer time with Project Open Hand. Register at bit.ly/JumpSparkFood18.
  • JumpSpark Documentary Film, from April 2 to 5, covers visual storytelling with Atlanta production company Forage Films. Participants will make documentaries and learn production skills such as camera basics, direction and editing. Register at bit.ly/JumpSparkDocFilm18.
  • JumpSpark eSports, from April 2 to 5, offers project-based learning experiences in the fast-growing industry and exploration of such career paths as game design, journalism, shoutcasting, social media marketing, web development and tournament organizing. Register at bit.ly/JumpSparkEsports18.
  • JumpSpark Social Justice, in partnership with Etgar 36and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights from April 2 to 5, explores the parallels between Jewish history and the civil rights movement while discussing modern social activism. The week includes an overnight trip to Alabama. Register at bit.ly/JumpSparkSocJust18.
  • JumpSpark Theater Bootcamp, from April 2 to 5, offers workshops in acting technique, musical theater dance, makeup and costume design, and set design and includes a field trip to a professional show and a final showcase performance. Register at bit.ly/JumpSparkSocJust18.

The fee for each intensive is a highly subsidized $199.

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