A Chanukah Message from Lilli Jennison
Atlanta Jewish Times' staff shares their community insights, advice and perspectives this year during Chanukah.
Right now our community is together, but separate. I lay out the paper every issue and one thing I have noticed during COVID is our calendar section is just as full as it’s ever been. There are tons of events that are together but separated by 6 feet or a Zoom screen. It is great that the community has found a way to keep everyone together, but nothing beats seeing an old friend at a Jewish event and giving them a hug.
I had the privilege of bringing the kids of the community together this past month by spearheading the Atlanta Jewish Times’ Chanukah Art Contest. This is my second year doing it and I thoroughly enjoy it. When I sent out the winner emails, I got one email response from a parent that particularly stood out to me. Bracha wrote, “Oh WOW! Thank you!!! Binny is jumping for joy :)” Reading this made me feel so special that I made this kid’s day!
Last year when we had the contest, we had a reception at Binders, and I got to physically see these kids so happy receiving their gift cards. Unfortunately, with COVID, I must mail the gift cards this year. I want to say Mazel Tov to all of the winners! I also want to thank everyone else who participated! Everyone did a great job! Check the submissions out later in the paper and online.
I also want to shout out my AJT family. The staff at the AJT is the best and I am so happy I get to work with all of you. My best friend comes to town on my birthday and Thanksgiving every year. This year, due to COVID, she couldn’t, and my AJT family cheered me up with my favorite cake and the most beautiful flowers and balloons! You all made my COVID birthday very special!
Remember, wear your mask and wash your hands and we will get through this!
Stay safe and Happy Chanukah!
Lilli Jennison is the creative and media designer for the Atlanta Jewish Times.